Chapter 8

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The trip to London was awkward. Neither of them was sure what to talk about, though both could feel there was much to say in the silence that hung between them. Elizabeth spent a long time staring out the window. Finally, in an attempt at conversation, she asked Darcy about Georgiana.

Darcy's mouth softened into an easy smile as he spoke about her sister.

"I may not be the most impartial judge, but she is an exceptional young lady. She spends much of her time practicing the piano forte and in those other pursuits that take up so much of ladies' time. But more than that, she is a lovely person. She is kind and witty. I believe that the two of you will like each other quite a bit."

Elizabeth smiled. It was clear how much Darcy loved his sister, and by his description, Elizabeth allowed herself to hope that she would quickly grow to love Georgiana as well. How much easier this experience would be with a sister! she thought longingly.

"Is she out in society yet?" asked Elizabeth.

Darcy was instantly guarded once again. "She is not. I think it best if she waits several years before being presented. After all, she is just sixteen."

Elizabeth stifled a laugh at the thought of anyone trying to prevent fifteen-year-old Lydia from coming out—or indeed from doing anything that she wanted. Her parents had never been especially good at discipline and Elizabeth knew that things would not be improved by Mr. Bennet's death.

Darcy interpreted the laugh as directed towards him. Elizabeth could actually see him putting on the face he wore in public: disinterested, cool, and distant.

"I see no cause for laughter," said he. "Just so there are not any misunderstandings, please know that I and my cousin make the decisions about Georgiana's care. Even if you do not agree with those decisions, I expect you to abide by them. Georgiana is more delicate than your sisters, certainly, and would never be allowed to parade about unsupervised as they often are."

Elizabeth's hand flew to her cheek as if he had slapped her with his hand instead of with his words.

"I assure you, sir, that it was not the care of your sister that I laughed about, but rather the lack of care that my own have received," she said.

Darcy instantly understood the magnitude of the mistake that he had made. Any goodwill that he had developed with his new bride had disappeared with one haughty statement, and he was unsure how to make it right. He leaned forward and took her hand.

"I apologize for my rush to judgment, Elizabeth. Please know that I am a difficult man, and set in my ways, but I will try my best to be a good husband to you."

Elizabeth did not immediately respond. Darcy was unconsciously rubbing his thumb over the knuckles of her hand and she could not focus on anything but that sensation. Her skin seemed to prickle where he touched her. She realized he was staring at her and spoke.

"I thank you for your apology. It may take some time before we are able to understand one another."

Darcy nodded his head in agreement and then realized what his traitorous thumb was doing, running itself over her knuckles. Elizabeth did not seem to be in any hurry for him to stop, but at the same time he did not wish to make her uncomfortable if she was merely tolerating the touch for his benefit.

Darcy released her hand and settled back into his own seat again, his eyes focused outside the carriage. When he looked back, Elizabeth was staring intently at him with a look of curiosity on her face. He normally did not like people looking at him closely, but he discovered that he did not mind when Elizabeth did it. There were a great many things that would bother him if anyone but she did them.

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