Chapter 15

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Darcy was called away for a quick trip to London to manage some banking. Georgiana was well used to her brother's travels, but this was the first time that he had left Elizabeth at Pemberley. She was worried that something might happen in his absence, but she had no intention of telling Darcy that. She put on a serene face, told him everything would be fine, and wished him well on his trip.

For the first two days, very little was different. Georgiana and Elizabeth took meals, read, embroidered, and plotted how to continue to put Miss Stewart in Thomas's path. However, disaster struck the second night.

The ladies were in the study after dinner when Mr. Combes announced guests. Two well-dressed men followed him in to the study.

"My ladies, I present The Right Honorable Lord Stapleton and Mr. Jasper Colborne."

The gentleman both bowed deeply.

"Mrs. Darcy, Miss Darcy, it is an honor to meet you," said Mr. Colborne. He was the shorter of the two, with a head of thick red hair and bright blue eyes. He grinned at Elizabeth and Georgiana.

"It certainly is," said Lord Stapleton, who was taller and fairer than his companion. "We had hoped to catch old Darcy at home. We are friends of his. We came through Cambridge at the same time."

"It is very nice to meet you," said Elizabeth. She was unsure what to say or do next. In her silence, Lord Stapleton spoke again.

"It was our intention to spend some days at Pemberley shooting," he said. "It is a shame Darcy was not here to meet us. But in light of the fact that we have traveled such a long way, perhaps we could impose on you for just a day or two?"

Elizabeth looked at Georgiana. This all seemed very improper, but she did not want to turn them away if they actually were Darcy's friends. She could just imagine the embarrassment that would cause him. Georgiana just raised her eyebrows, leaving the decision to Elizabeth.

"I am certain that we can accommodate you for two days," Elizabeth said, hoping that the tremble she felt was not heard in her voice. "Have you eaten? We have just finished dinner, but I am happy to let the kitchen know if you would like."

"That would be lovely," said Mr. Colborne, with another bow.

"Mr. Combes will show you to the dining room and see that the kitchen is informed. Miss Darcy and I will be down to join you in just a moment."

The men followed Mr. Combes out of the sitting room and Elizabeth turned to Georgiana in a panic.

"Should I have told them that they cannot stay?" she asked. "Are they friends of Darcy's? Have you met them before?"

"I have not, nor have I heard my brother speak of them," said Georgiana, "but certainly he has many friends whom I have not met."

Elizabeth wrung her hands. "Oh, dear, I am afraid I did the wrong thing in letting them stay. It is not at all proper for them to be here without the master of the house present. But I have told them that they can stay—curse my mouth, always speaking without thinking first!"

"Elizabeth," said Georgiana gently, "you had to make a quick decision, and you did. No one can fault you for that. This is really quite an unusual situation."

Elizabeth laughed humorlessly. "Oh, I can be faulted, and we both know by whom."

Georgiana shook her head. "Fitzwilliam will only care that you did your best."

No, thought Elizabeth. He only cares that you do your best, Georgiana. Despite what he might say, from me, he expects perfection.

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