The last note -ending

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When I wake up, she is still sleeping. I'm about to get off my bed. I saw the letter on my bedside table. I took the letter and started reading it.

Dear Arjun,

You are the most loving person I have ever met. I love you from my bottom of my heart forever and ever. When ever my memory strikes in your brain, you need to smile. You have the most beautiful soul.

Arjun, you are the most caring, nurturing, and lovable person I have never met in my life.

As I write this I'm sleeping on your bedside. Each time I look at you my heart breaks some more. Your eyes are etched with pain. You look so exhausted. And I can see the light in you fading away, like a torch running out of battery.

You try to speak to me . But your words ramble incoherently , I can sense your fear,and I can feel you are slipping away.

How did everything go so wrong so rapidly? What did we do deserve all this ?why did anyone forewarn the things will turn this way.

I'm trying so hard to stay strong for you my love, but your deterioration is so fast that I'm struggling to cope. Struggling to accept what I know is coming and I know that you can sense my fear and grief. Even though you are still here it feels as I'm still mourning for you already.

My brave and strong husband , my rock on whom I lean everyday.

I feel as though I let you down, like I should have seen this coming,  been more prepared. Looked after you better.

You always said that this sort of thing happening to you losing the person is always nightmare. And now I'm trapped in the nightmare with you. And I would give anything for somebody to come and wake us up.

I can't imagine the pain you must be in, nor the thoughts, emotions and fears that you are struggling with inside. I wish I could make it better for you. But I'm completely helpless.

You are looking at me again now and trying to smile. Just for me. I love you, you say and I love you more I kissed your hand.

I'm writing this letter while trying to come to terms with the fact that I was about to lose my husband .

Always and forever , I love you Arjun...................


I turned to see her with tears roll down from my eyes. And trying to get her up. Shika, please get up please I shouted. Grandpa, abhi and her dad all came to my room. And she is gone. I hugged her tightly not letting her to go. Grandpa hugged me and asked me to do final rituals. I said no. But later the rituals are done. I stood there like a numb.

After few days I want distraction so I buried myself in work. I'm not going to home. If I went there I'm always thinking about shika how we spent our time. It is haunting me. I rememberd her every word. Always smile Arjun. You are the best.........

After two years..............................

It's been two years she left us. Today is her birthday. I went to orphanage to see children and to distribute clothes on behalf of her. They missed her so much. I never met a person like her. So genuine, generous, and her smile, her innocent look. All are forcing me to marry again. But they don't know shika is my wife for till the last breath. I'm a changed person. I started accepting people around me. I'm carrying the letter always in my wallet. I love you shika till my last breath............. Always and forever,  my love..........................

Thank you for reading patiently. This is the end of the story. Please share your opinion on comment section. How you felt about it. If what it would be the better ending in your thoughts. I will appreciate your thoughts and opinions. Please vote for it if you liked the story. Thank you once again for reading. Have a nice day and always keep smiling. Take care. Bye.......

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