𝟎𝟎𝟎. 𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒖𝒆

Start from the beginning

"I'll be back tomorrow" she said softly. 



After one last sweet kiss, she made her way towards his bedroom window, something she had been doing for numerous months now, before opening it, and shouting a small 'good-bye', she climbed down the tree that was ideally placed right outside his window, which made sneaking in and out of the Dilaurentis house much easier.

Sophie Langford made her way across the Dilaurentis' backyard, quickly crossing into the one that belonged to the Hastings. As she was crossing into next-doors garden, she jumped slightly as the sky lit up above her. She glanced up to see that the sky was blotted with gray and black clouds, which were evidently going to pour down rain at any given moment.

The girl sighed as she remembered her mother warning her about the storm that was promised this evening, she had completely forgot about the weather warning whilst being wrapped up in her own little world with Jason - well that and when she left that morning the sky was a perfect shade of blue with very few white clouds dotted around, not showing any sign of a storm at all. However, withing the hours that she had been locked away in the Dilaurentis' boy's bedroom, the once picture-perfect sky had evidently changed. 

She subconsciously sped up, the brewing storm naturally making her heart speed up, and made her skin shiver. The dark sky above her continuously lit up as lightning struck through the gray, and thunder roared over and over. Sophie wrapped her arms around her as the wind bit her skin, as she mentally cursed herself for not bringing some form of jacket to shield her from the wind. 

When she was midway through the Hastings' garden, she spotted the all too familiar blonde girl who was too making her way towards the barn.

"Hey Ali, wait up" she called, as her best friend stopped and turned her head towards the other blonde rushing towards her.

"Hey stranger" Ali spoke as she linked arms with Sophie. "So, who is he?" Ali questioned as the two made their way to the rest of their friends. Sophie turned to her friend, expressing a fake confused face whilst the blonde girl just laughed. 

"Soph you've got a new hickey on your neck, your hair looks awful and your top is on the wrong way round" Ali pointed out as Sophie mentally cursed Jason for distracting her enough to stop her making herself look at least more presentable. 

"So? You going to tell me Lover-boy's name?" Ali pushed further, slightly nudging Sophie. 

"Not yet, its secret" 

The two stopped outside of The Hasting's barn - Alison impatiently waited as Sophie adjusted her top so that it was the right way round- and just before the brunette was going to open the barn door, Ali grabbed ahold of her arm stopping her. She put her finger to her lips and winked, Sophie instantly understanding what her friend was thinking about. 

Both of the girls slowly crept towards the barn door, as they heard their other friends worriedly ask each other what was outside. They held in their laughter as they got nearer to the door, hearing the other girl's panic. 

Alison silently counted to three on her fingers before the two opened the barn door and jumped in front of the four girls already in there. 

"GOTCHA" they shouted as the four other girls screamed from the shock, making Sophie and Ali laughed even harder. 

"That was so not funny girls!" spencer scolded as she held her hand across her chest. 

"I thought it was hilarious girls" Sophie said as her and Ali walked into the barn. She glanced around the barn and looked at her friends. 

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