Chapter 32

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Finally the night passed and the sun peeked slowly behind the clouds , the car rushed to the police station and the constable came to open the door;  the official stepped out of car and paced to the station when his eyes felled on the girl who was still sitting on that bench holding herself to avoid the unusual cold that morning, he took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes , this girl is impossible , he walked up to her.

"You didn't went home last night.",She stood up slowly, her dizzy eyes spoke her undieing determination, "I want to meet just once...",

"Can't you understand he is criminal, he has been charged of murders and you want to meet him, sitting here whole night just to meet him , what's your relation with him , he is a ..........",

The official took a deep breath ,
"Just once.",she wispered slowly.
He looked at her in shook.

"Go ...",
He finally spoke in defeat, she was blank for a moment grasping her breath , she looked at him for confirmation , he nodded , the brightest smile spread across her face .

She ran inside restlessly, walking to the constable with that victory smile , she walked into the room and sat on the chair. The door closed and she sat impatiently on the chair like a addict waiting for his dose. Rubbing her fist and tapping her foot, impatiently waiting for him to arrive.

And then he came inside, in the same manner grabbed like a criminal and this time even more brutally.
Throwing him to the chair the constable looked at her in frustration and went out. Riddhima looked at Vansh for a minute. All her impatience slowed down as if she was just impatient to just see him....... That's it , she just wanted to sit there quietly , calmly and undisturbed.

"Riddhima.....", He spoke.

Her thoughts broke , standing slowly , she dragged her chair to his side. Sitting down , she took a deep breath.

" are fine." She asked in a hustle.

"Are you fine?", Vansh looked at her in confusion this was the first time he was noticing her like that.
She gave a confused look,
" will ".
She was breathing heavily.

Vansh held her trembling hand in his handcuffed ones.
"Don't stress nothing wrong will happen...." , He forced a smile.
She nodded impatiently , this , this kills her everytime why she have to be reminded of all that, no she can't , she can't listen that for even one more second.

His confusion increased, "Don't ...", and before he could speak , she stood up in frustration,
"Everything is going wrong ....." She shouted , actually she shouted on Vansh.

The car stopped and Pihu looked at the bench which was empty , Miss. Stubborn is always the winner , she walked in .

Riddhima walked up to the table trembling.
"Ever....thing......wrong ....... I.....I....did....a disaster......", She held the table tightly trying her best to calm herself down.
"Riddhima......" ,Vansh stood up and rushed to her.

"I.....I ...",  Her tears blocked her words.
"Don't panic ....". He held her with his hands gleaming in that silver steel.
"I....I not panicking......" She shrieked off."I am not panicking."
She closed her fist .

"Ok ,ok ....", Vansh held her shoulder.
"Vansh I am not panicking......", She trembled
"Riddhima ........", Vansh shouted and held her as she felled down , breathing heavily she looked up at him.

The constable ran in and grabbed him away from her.
"What are you doing with her...",

Pihu walked in smiling when she saw Riddhima at one side terror-stricken and Vansh at another, helpless.

"Leave him.....", Riddhima shouted in frustration , they looked at her . " Leave him", She wispered under her breath.

She stood up trembling , walking up to him she held his hand,
"I dropped that camera otherwise...... You ....... you would be home now ......I am the reason......." ,
"It's ok Riddhima ...",
"No , no Vansh nothing is ok.",
"I am the reason .... I brought you here , I left my phone and I dropped the proofs ",Vansh looked at Pihu helplessly. Pihu ran and held Riddhima.

"Riddhi....... Riddhi....... " ,Pihu shouted but she shrieked even more.
"Had I been a little , just .....",
"Riddhi ...... Sit ",Pihu tried to make her sit.
" Pihu.....", She shouted.

Taking a deep breath she looked at Pihu and then at him, she backed. Holding the wall , she broke into tears, Vansh looked at her restlessly ,
" I am .......... I", She closed her eyes in regret and pain .


Presently, her eyes opened and she looked around breathing heavily. Just 5 more minutes.
5 that's it , Her dead efforts from last 25 minutes, she couldn't open those tight ropes and all the strength in her dripped off with the blood.

The dizziness was playing with her as her breath further declined ... Closing her eyes she smiled , she just re-lived with him , re-lived every moment again in these 25 minutes, probably she won't be able to....

Her broken smile in that teary face , was far more happier than anything.

Why was she so panicked that day? She couldn't understand even now. She just went insane , so disturbed , so disorientated and the reason.......
There is only one reason for everything in her live since these three weeks and it was him .... Just him .

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