Chapter 5

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It was morning and the winter vacation has started . It may be a new day for the sun or may be the sky but Riddhima was still left yesterday ................. still in thought of the Mister unknown.

Walking blindly she made the coffee and went out in the garden to cope her preoccupation of thoughts. Strolling around with the cup , her mind was running in plans to reach him.

How to reach him and how to ask him, if he was not well . What if he just walk away, what if he gets angry at the question, how she would handle his anger all this was running in a mind when she saw something.............

They call it destiny I think.

That man was walking past her home again.

She couldn't believe it for a second , coming to her senses , she ran to the door. She was about to call him but she stopped. She knew the results of calling him, he would again walk away. Following him sounded a better idea and so she did. She started walking behind him quietly .

The man walked down the road with him trembling steps and walked into an abandoned building. Riddhima slowly followed him to the building and walked in. This was not at all a good decision, to go into such an abandoned place and that to following a stranger but  Riddhima was nowhere to stop. She has to reach the secret of this man.

Walking slowly , she hid behind the broken pillar while the man went to the centre of the abandon building and looked up at the sky.

Quietly sitting on a rock, his head deep into his palm. Riddhima was very sure that he was not at all well ,he needs someone, but he can't ask . This was a common problem for every patient who was mentally disturbed, they don't speak.

This has always irritated her , why don't ask help if they need it but somewhere she knew how "good" this world was .
She smiled sarcastically at herself for thinking that. Looking at him once again she finally decided to return. She stepped back when a birch broke under her foot announcing someone's presence.

Oh no Riddhima leave......, Her mind shouted.

She ran slowly towards the door when a hand grabbed her wrist.
She turned in fear and the man was next to her.

"What are you doing here."

The man finally spoke, this was the first time , she heard his voice . Be it of anger but she felt happy that he spoke. Somewhere she knew that he would speak in this way only , someone won't welcome you if you are spying on him .....

"No........ I mean I was......".

" what are you doing here..."
The anger in stone was rising and his grip on her hand was growing more and more strong.

"Actually I am a psychologist.......
I thought you need help so ......", She stopped , she wanted to speak this one nicely and she just messed up , not so quickly.

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