Chapter 27

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Riddhima felled to the bed,
".....framed for hiring a killer , framed for a murder and now for attempt to murder....... ", She closed her eyes.

"Kabir has played this game very well.........First he murdered his family and made Vansh sign that fake deal, he even framed him for a murder of a living person.
He snatched away the property and told Aryan that Vansh gave it to him, in return of killing them.", Pihu looked at the sun which was slowly setting down," Then he was sifted to the asylum , so he planned to kill him by sending that fake note. He wanted him to die and world to think him as psycho murderer." Pihu joined the dots , but Riddhima remained quite. Her eyes felled on her and her condition , what she had made of herself ,

"Riddhima....", Pihu sat down holding her ,
" If you will loose patience you will loose him ", she looked at Pihu in restlessness.
" Patience is your strength Riddhima ....",

"No ....", She finally spoke.
"He is my strength , his presence gives me patience , I feel so restless Pihu I ...... I can't understand anything..... ,"And she broke into tears , she held her as if she would loose her also just like him.

Pihu looked at her , no this is not her , she backed and wiped her tears,
" Ok Riddhima ...look at me....... Will crying and blaming yourself bring him back..",
Riddhima looked up at her.
"If Vansh had been at your stage , he would have cried over fate or fight to bring you back ..... Tell me.",
She sobbed a little more.

" He is your strength no..... So won't you fight to get back your strength or will you loose just because of one mistake...",
"But I shouldn't have done that.", She said in broken words.

" You didn't did it , it happened and everything happens for a reason .....",
"What ..... will I do....", She tried to stop her sob,
"We will do..... You are not alone in this , we are with you ......... And remember Mister Unknown is habitual of falling in trouble but you are there no........ He will come out...",

"He will no....", Riddhima spoke with a hope.
Pihu nodded. She hugged her again. She had always thought if she became vulnerable , they would become weak but today she knew , she was not alone in this.

The room felled into silence until the phone rang. Riddhima turned to it slowly and picked up , no wonder it was Kabir.

Riddhima looked at Pihu, wiping off the tears she took a deep breath , consoling herself she picked up the call , probably she knew this was the only way her strength will return to her .

"Sure ...",
"Ok see you.",

She hang up the call. Pihu looked as she kept the phone aside,
"He wants to tell me about Vansh's arrest." , Riddhima spoke calming her sob. Pihu looked at the phone in disgust.

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