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Chapter 4

John and Milan watched Samanavay pacing around his room. He was seething in rage. "She called me an Orphan. She thinks that bad blood is flowing in my body. Huh!" Samanvay snorted. 

Milan's eyes met John's.  Both knew how dangerous Samanvay could get in this mood. 

"I can take care of this woman. I can punish her if you want." John stated. 

Samanvay stopped pacing around the room and snapped his eyes at John. "Come again!" He snarled. 

John sighed. "She insulted you for the second time. I hate it."

"She is going to be your queen John. Take her name with respect. This is my revenge, my war against those snobs. Killing them, and hurting them is not the right punishment for them. Especially for her," he whispered in a dark tone. His eyes were hard and face tight in anger, "she called me a disgusted swine. She is disgusted with my presence, I will make her suffer with my presence every single night. She called me bad blood! She is going to nurture this bad blood's children in her womb in a few weeks."

John looked at him dumbfounded. "Samanvay. That girl hates you. Are you really going to make her the mother of your child?"

"Children, John. Not a child. This is Samanvay Goenka's way to avenge that egotistical woman and her father." 

Milan sighed and moved forward to his son. "There are thousands of other women. Far more beautiful than her, I don't want that woman to be a part of my family. She is not right for you, Sam."

Samanvay gave him a look of authority. "I will make her right for myself, Father. I want my children to have her blood in their veins."  He said and looked at them both. "Leave from here. I want to be alone for a while." 

Both Milan and John left the room leaving him alone. Samanvay inhaled sharply to calm his mind and called Mr Singh. 

"Singh. If you want me to continue my business with you, do what I told you to do regarding Neel Oberoi."

Samanvay's eyes sharpened as he listened to Mr Singh's words. "Are you sure, Singh? Because if your words didn't come out to be true. I am going to make you regret them very badly." He warned him before ending the call. He didn't even bother with a reply.

Killing someone was easy work for Samanvay. He could go and finish everything and everyone within minutes but he wanted to prolong her pain and suffering. He wanted her body, yes. But he also wanted her pain and tears. His anger now would calm only when she would become his in every sense of the world. His to do anything he wanted to do with her. 

Manya looked at the invitation card in her hand with bewilderment.  She couldn't believe what she was reading. "Wedding invitation of Neel Oberoi and Sara Merchant."

She went numb. "Manya. Tell me this is not true. Neel cannot do this to you. To us!" Niam Sehgal asked his daughter but she was too shocked to answer him. 

Niam moved forward and held his daughter's arms. "Manya!" He shook her hard. "Tell me this is not true!" 

She finally blinked. Emotions clogged her throat, tears wanted to come to her eyes but she forced them back. Manya Sehgal never cries. She hates women who cry over men. She hates weakness. She hates being weak. 

"Manya!" Niam once again shook her. 

"Dad." Anav Sehgal entered his father's study. Niam turned towards his son. "What is it I am hearing? Neel is getting married  to Sara?"

Manya stepped back from his father's touch. Her pride was hurt. The man she wanted to marry didn't even bother to break up with her before sending his wedding invitation to her.  She was waiting for him to come back to India impatiently for the past two months and he sent his wedding invitation. 

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