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"Emily Dyer"


"It has been more than five hours since Emma fell asleep. I have done my best to treat her wounds but the damage is more than I can handle.

There were four heavy marks on her back: the hunter hitting her four times, two made by normal hits, and the other two by a single hit with detention. 

I stopped the bleeding and put bandages around the entire upper part of her body. Hopefully with this, the healing time will be reduced and she'll be back in form, but will not be back to participating in any matches for the moment.

I still don't understand what happened after I left the map, why didn't Emma escape and let herself be captured.  Most importantly, why would she do such a thing as make a deal with the hunter?

If she is doing things like this, it means her condition has worsened and I'm running out of time, I must find a way to cure her.

For now, I need to wait until she's awake, and then I'll ask her about what happened, and especially about that photo."


After a brief moment of waiting for the ink to dry, the doctor now closed her diary with a tired sigh, leaving the small book on one of the tiny tables that the infirmary offered. Soon enough Emily raised her head to finally see her patient, sleeping in peace with a neutral face and her body slowly recovering from so many hits, that didn't quit the fact that the muscles of the gardener were still stressed and stiff, later in the day, if she woke up, the doctor would give a little massage for being sore.
Besides that, right beside the young girl was her father, Leo Beck. Sitting in a wooden chair, with one of his big hands above the tiny ones of her daughter, the man seemed more than worried the second he entered the room, even getting angry when hearing everything that happened from the older woman. But even then, Hell Ember left out of the way his anger just to stay calm when the girl of brown hair was to open her eyes, even talking to the doctor in the meantime and getting to the conclusion that Emma wasn't gonna participate in any more matches for the upcoming days, yes, these two were the reason behind that decision.

Seconds of silence went by quickly until the older man started talking without looking at Emily, he sounded calm and a little worried, though the latter was barely noticeable.

- You should get some rest, Miss. Dyer. I can take care of my daughter when she wakes up. - He proposed while slowly and gently caressing the gardener's hand, hoping that it would help Emma sleep better. - You look tired. -

The doctor now formed a small smile on her face, it was true that she was a little tired but the condition of her patients was the most important thing at the moment, while Emma was sleeping, Luca still needed to take a nap for the day which was going to be difficult to achieve since the young man had so much energy inside of him. - I thank you for your worries, but I'm more than fine Mr. Beck. Besides, I can't let alone my patients, they need me as their doctor. - She reassured with a calm tone, earning a chuckle from the older man.

-I'm the one who should be thankful, you took care of Emma when I couldn't.- That wasn't entirely a lie, per se. But it was clear that the older man didn't know what happened at the Asylum, and knowing his anger issues, it was for the better. So to not lift any suspicion, Emily just nodded in silence.

That was until someone was rumbling between papers and pencils. Soon the doctor turned around to see what was all the noise around. To her surprise, it was the Prisoner searching in the woman's desk, specifically in a drawer, he looked nervous and restless to which Emily just sighed, getting up from her seat and approaching the young man.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2022 ⏰

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