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      It was pitch black in Patrick's house. Rory was slowly starting to wake up or at least she was sort of aware of where she was. She was right on Patrick's couch laying on his chest, feeling the way his chest goes up and down while he breathes she could smell his scent, eucalyptus and mint. She had also noticed that she was freezing. Rory got up slowly so she didn't wake up Patrick and tip toed over to the arm chair to grab a near by blanket walking back to the couch throwing the blanket over herself and falling back asleep on Patrick's chest once again matching their breathing.
     It had been two days since Rory and Patrick fell asleep on his couch together and you think it would be awkward for the pair but it made them grow a bit closer and they had been hitching rides from eachother to school and back.
"How the hell to you not like Fiona Apple!" Rory giggled.
"She tries too hard to be deep and mysterious!And I could ask you the same question about zeppelin" Patrick replied to her.
"There just too much for me, it's a lot of yelling but it's kinda banging, I guess"Rory responded to him stepping out of his truck.
    As soon as they started walking towards the school the immediately got some disgusted looks while the teens whispered.
"Why are they looking you?" Rory shot Patrick a confused look.
"Mary, they're not looking at me, they're looking at you." He whispered back.
"WHAT! Why?" She shouted under her breath. "Who cares, I get looks all the time just keep moving past." Patrick reassured her.
    The two parted ways to head their lockers. Rory grabbed her books and other materials for her first period: intro to art history. While Patrick was met with a familiar bond waiting for him.
"Hello Patty boy!" Ashley Nottingham smirked at him.
"What Ashley, you said never to refer to you in public then go and do something like this." Patrick rolled his eyes at her
"As you are aware Prom is coming up and new meet Rory doesn't have a date, but she has two potential suitors" Ashley hinted "But which one will pursue her? Will it be: peasant Patrick or Lord Gideon" she tapped her chin well also handed him five one hundred dollar bills. "Listen Ashley, I'm done with your little game. Rory's a special person and I'm done with playing with her head." Patrick declared.
"So you're really ok with your mortal enemy taking the sweet, impressionable, young girl to a formal where he can do whatever he pleases, and more importantly you're going to pass up six hundred dollars?" Ashley questioned Patrick while grabbing more money from her purse. Patrick was thinking about what he could do with the money, he could take Rory on a nice date, not just digornio and Dirty Dancing. 'It's for Rory' we're the last words to enter his head before he swiped money out of her palm "I knew you'd cave, face it Verona your my bitch." She smirked and walked away.
   Rory's morning was just about as unpleasant if not more than Patrick's. The looks and whispers were getting more and more frequent. The boys kept giving her suggestive looks and the girls kept whispering and sneering. "What the hell is everyone whispering about?" Rory whispered to her lab partner.
"Oh don't play dumb! You're not as sweet and innocent as you say you are!"
"What the hell are you saying" Rory asked
"Everyone knows you let Gideon Blainworth toss your salad!" Her partner sneered.
"Toss my what?" The girl replied.
"Oh please you know what I'm talking about!"
   It was hopeless trying to ask this girl for information so Rory just went back to what work she was supposed to be doing.

"Mary what's that on your back?" Patrick pointed at something on Rory's cardigan while walking out of Mr.Morgan's classroom.
"Huh?" Rory started searching her back to grab a pink post it not that read 'SLUT' in big black letters.
"Ugh are the serious, that's so freshman year!" Rory sneered.
"Yeah what the hell is up with them, the looks have been getting worse?" Patrick questioned her.
"Ugh someone said the that let Gideon 'dress my salad' or something like that at the party, which isn't true cause he was too busy sucking Ashley's face." Rory said sarcastically.
"Well do you know who started it?" Patrick asked
"I don't know, someone who is close with Gideon or hates me?"
  Rory was about to finish her sentence until she saw Gideon walk past her and give her a wink and a suggestive hand gesture. Rory did nothing but freeze, everything was coming together, the most popular stated a rumor about her and that's how everyone knew.
"I think I'm gonna head off see you in the caf..."    Patrick trailed off with his mind completely set on the intention of kicking Gideon's ass. After catching up to Gideon and far away enough Rory he know what he had to do.
"I swear she was like putty in my hands, Verona was right when he called her a Virgin Mary-" Gideon boasted until he was abruptly turned around by Patrick. "Well hey patty boy, how can I help you today. Needs some tips and tricks on how to please your little lady friend?" Gideon said with a smug face. Patrick said nothing, he knew that Gideon was talking out of his ass anyways. He could the fear in his eyes, Patrick was taller than him but not by much. The two were inches from eachother then Patrick swung his arm back and clocked Gideon in the jaw. "Your Ass is grass Verona!" Gideon said before tackling Patrick. Patrick was bigger than he was so Patrick was able to flip the pair so Patrick was on top of him. He swung at Gideon's nose hitting him in the eye and the nose. Suddenly Gideon flipped them over punching Patrick's lip and cheek bone. The two key going at it, punching and hitting. They were both getting more injured by the second.
"PATRICK!" A familiar yelp filled the air
A moment of clarity hit Patrick he stopped long enough for Gideon just to deck him once again. Patrick's moment of clarity was over he resumed beating the shit out of Gideon. Rory rushed over to the boys.
"Get off of him!" Rory pleated tugging on Patrick's shoulder.
"Gideon!" Ashley's shrill screech filled the air while she too pulled off Gideon.
The two girls had finally pulled the boys apart if this continued any longer Patrick would have killed Gideon.
"This isn't over BITCHWORTH!"Patrick shouted.
"Like hell it isn't!" Gideon retorted.
Ashley had walked Gideon away from the situation.
"What the hell Verona!" Rory's eyes started to water.
"What were you thinking?" A tear ran down her face.
"Rory he was the one who started the-" Patrick tried to explain.
"Ya know what, I don't want to here it! Just stay away from me!" She stormed off about to burst into full on crying.
"Rory, wait-" Patrick followed after her.
"I SAID LEAVE ME ALONE!" Rory shouted through a chocked voice.
AN: well that was a dousey of a chapter. Rest In Peace Heath ledger, today's marks 13 years since you left the earth, you were an inspiration to many. Fly high🕊.

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