Chapter 1

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Hiccup's pov

I shot it. I really shot it. A dragon. I ran over to where the dragon fell and saw a cove. It was beautiful.

I saw a black blob on the ground. I walked over to it. I saw it's eye and realized it was a night fury.

About a month later (Still Hiccup's pov)

"Bud, I fed you already!" I said to Toothless. He looked at me wanting more food anyway.

"Rawr." He growled. He stared at me expectantly.

"No. But we can go for a ride." I said to him, hoping that he forgets about the fish. He yapped in response. I hopped on the saddle and changed the gears. "Ready bud?" I asked him. "Me neither." I said as we took off.

"RAWR!" Toothless roared as loud as I've ever heard before. We were about ninety feet off of the ground when I heard someone coming.

My heart stopped. It was Astrid. "Pick her up, bud." I whispered to Toothless. And he did just that

Astrid's pov

I heard a weird noise followed by a dragon roar so I readied my axe. I saw a flash of black and green before my eyes focused and I realized I was in the air! Heald up by a dragon!

Hiccup's pov

Astrid screamed very loudly. "Sssshhhhhhh!!" I shushed her. She was still shrieking my ear off. Toothless put her down and landed. I jumped off and covered her mouth with my hand. She licked my hand and stomped on my foot, hard.

"What the heck!?" Astrid yelled in my face.

"He's nice!" I whisper-yelled at her. I grabbed her arm and pulled her towards Toothless. He growled at her. I glared at toothless. If he messed this up, so help me Odin I was going to get that dragon.

I held Astrid's hand out to Toothless. He sniffed her and put his nose against her hand.

One month later (Still Hiccup's pov)

I was about to go to the dragon training arena when Astrid pulled me aside.

"What about your dad? Does he know?" She whispered and looked around nervously. I shook my head from side to side. She rolled her eyes. "You need to!"

"No way! You know that he hates dragons!" I countered.

"There yer are less and lad!" Gobber said, pulling the teens into the arena by their shirts.

"Competition day! You all fight one-on-one to fight the nightmare!" Gobber explained vaguely. Astrid and I paired up. We took the nadder to its cage after scratching it. Tuff and Fishlegs weren't doing well. Ruff and Snotlout were running away from their dragons.

The end of the day

"The winner is Hiccup!" Gobber announced. I gasped internally. I was going to have to kill a dragon! Toothless would never speak to me again!

A week later (the arena during the fight)

"Shh. It's okay girl." I laughed nervously to the nightmare. "I wont hurt you." I held out my hand and turned away. Gasps from the audience. Stoic got angry. He grabbed his mace and ran into the arena.

That's when I heard the arena being blasted open. By none other than Toothless!

Toothless's pov

I was lying there when Hiccup's voice came to me. I heard him. He was in trouble! I flew to the big cage and blasted it twice before it gave way. I dove in there and got between the burly man with the orange curls and Hiccup.

I was getting ready to blast when Hiccup yelled, "No! Don't! That's my father!" And I whipped my head around. Hiccup climbed on and said, "I love dragons. If you earned one's trust, they would do anything for you!" And changed gears so we could fly away.

We flew to a hut and about ten sun movements later he came back out with three saddlebags. He told me one for food, one for supplies, and one for emergencies.

We flew to Astrid's hut and Hiccup knocked. Astrid came out and they talked for a sun movement. Astrid and Hiccup climbed on me and Hiccup told me to fly north. We flew the rest of the day.

Hiccup's pov

I grabbed Astrid and we flew north. We stopped about every three hours to stretch and eat. Toothless looked exhausted so we stayed on the biggest island of the day. We were about nine hours, by dragon flight and twelve hours by ship, away from berk. We went to sleep.

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