Chapter 9 - Ashley

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"Chuck, go to the Council Hall and start barricading the doors" I whisper.

"Winston, you go with him. Got it." Newt says getting closer to me

"Get the others. Tell them to go to the forest. Go hide now!" I raise my voice now

"Minho, I want you to grab every weapon you can find. I'll meet you at Council Hall. Let's go. Thomas, Teresa and I are going to get Alby, all right? Come on." I yell everyone starts moving at once until the sounds of Griveres running through make us all run to the cornfields 

"Come on! Run! Run!" I yell, but even now I can hear the sounds of people dying around us

"Stay down!" I whisper holding Teresas hand, but to my left, a blood-curdling scream sounds from next to me.

"Zart!" I yell I watch as he's picked up by the Griever he screams for someone to help him I take a breath

"Go! Get to the village!" I scream as everyone runs from the Griever, we run until we make it to the medjack tent

"Alby! Are you okay?" I yell

"What's going on?" he whispers, struggling to talk.

"They're here," I state

"Grievers?" his eyes go wide, but before I can respond, I see the Griever in the corner of my eye.

"Ash, what do we do?" some kid asks I watch as another boy gets lifted off the ground screaming for help.

"Everybody, run, run, run!" Newt screams. We run until the Griever appears in front of us, I look to my left to see a lantern, I cry as I throw it at the creature the thing erupts in flames before we start running again.

"Get behind me" I yell just before I see people shooting it with arrows.

"here" Chuck yells I look at him before directing everyone else to go.

"Get Alby inside," Newt says

"Lockdown the doors!" I yell it goes quiet as we sit in the room the griever circles around us occasionally trying to get into the tent finally it succeeds and a claw comes through the building, we all scream in panic.

"ls everyone all right?" Newt asks, but as he asks, another kid is grabbed and pulled, we all stand in a small circle. I watch as Chuck hits the claw, but in the flash of my eyes, I see the Griever grab Chuck. I let out a banshee scream as I hold his hand, I feel Thomas and a couple of other people help me pulling Chuck away from the Grievers clutch.

"Pull him back!" Thomas yells if I wasn't so focused on getting Chuck back id probably scream at him for being dumb

"Chuck, don't let go!" Thomas yells again

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