Chapter 8- Thomas

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"Big day, Greenie. Are you sure you don't wanna sit this one out?" Minho says peering over the cage

"Come on, man. Get me out of here." I say letting out a chuckle. Minho opens the cage, and I jump out he leads me towards the wall where I see Ashley standing there, she was wearing a crop top and her hair up high in a ponytail, she smiles when she sees us, and In her hand, I can see a manchette.

"Let's go!" she shouts, running into the maze with us following her.

"Come on! This way." Minho says, but he stops when Ashley takes a halt

"That's strange." Ashely comments

"What?" I ask

"Seven is not supposed to be open for another week," Minho says looking around.

"What the hell is this place?" I ask looking at the tall metal objects

"We call them blades," Minho answers as we begin jogging along the blades. Ashley stops again looking down near her feet, she crouches over and Minho and picks up a knife into the air examining it while Minho picks up a bloody cloth and suddenly I realise why Ashleys face has become so pale.

"It's Ben's, isn't it?" I ask

"Yeah." She whispers still looking like a ghost

"A Griever must have pulled him down here", Minho suggests. We stand in silence for a second before I begin to hear beeping coming from Minho, I grab his bag and rip out the metal object that we found in the griever. It starts beeping when I point it to my left.

"Whoa, I think it's showing us the way", Ashley says shocked.

"This way. Come on." I say holding it up; we walk until it takes us into a different room

"Minho, you ever see this before?" Ashley asks

"No", he replies

"It's just another dead end." He adds in frustration, but Ashley grabs the piece out of my hand and holds it against the wall, all of a sudden there's a bunch of clicking and creaking sounds, and the door behind us opens. We all stand there in shock.

"Are you sure about this?" Minho asks I look at Ashley who looks like she's stuck in her thoughts

"Nope", I reply, but I take a step forward and watch as Minho and Ashley follow me. We look around the room until we see a dark tunnel ahead of us. Minho brushes his hand against the tunnel and reveals the slime on his hand.

"Grievers", Minho says all of a sudden red lights blind us as the sounds of scanning begins, and something clicks, loud noises come from around the place.

"What the hell was that?" Minho hisses I watch something click in Ashley's head as she jumps.

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