Chapter One: Voices

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She came into my head on a Tuesday night 6 years ago. I haven't heard from her in a while though, I didn't know if I should be worried or relieved. 6 years ago I was trying to get to sleep when I heard a woman's voice, the voice sounded distant and muffled. It's almost as if the woman was muted but I could still hear her. At first it was scary but I was a brave kid, I asked who was there? The woman said something back I don't really remember but I do remember being terrified because I didn't see anybody but I still heard a voice. Do you know that feeling when you know somebody or something is bad news, that's your continuous telling you that , when I heard her voice I wanted to run away but something kept me there. Her voice was haunting, it was ghostly and scary and I started to cry of pure fear. The woman told me to not cry and that there was no reason to be scared which then felt comforting but thinking back it was a little creepy of the woman. I always have called this woman Sylvia. It seemed to match her voice, I had no clue if Sylvia was her real name, but she wouldn't tell me her real name I was always a little sceptical of Sylvia she only came to visit me at night, I was only seven when Sylvia first came into my head and I've had her in there every night for the past 6 years except for the past week she hasn't been talking to me, Sylvia was always there and even if I didn't want to talk she would be there anyways and force me to talk she had her ways I guess. Even though Sylvia could be extremely mean and bossy I missed talking to her. My sister Olivia had been very sick recently and I wanted to talk to Sylvia about it. I pretended to not be worried so my parents didn't worry about me but I was close to snapping, me and my sister had always been extremely close, she was my twin after all. If I was being honest I didn't know if Olivia would survive cancer. We were both 13 and I still had such a life to live with my sister, I was just hoping for the best, it's all I could really do. She was getting the best treatment that was possible in our state, she had to travel 3 hours to the best hospital for children who are sick. I missed Olivia so much that some days I forgot I even had a sister. I wished for two months for Via to come home but she wouldn't come back for another few years if she did beat cancer. I went to sleep wondering where Sylvia had gone and hoped for her to come back as well. My mom used to wake me up before school along with Via but ever since she'd become sick mom was usually at the hospital with her and dad was so depressed he didn't get out of bed most days. I understood but nobody was there for me, I had to wake myself up with the alarm clock on my nightstand. That morning it unexpectedly broke and I woke up 2 hours late. I rushed out of bed and didn't have time to do anything other than put on a t-shirt and jeans. Right before my eyes I saw my dad out of bed in the kitchen cooking breakfast, I yelled "Why Didn't You Wake Me Up?! I'm late for school y'know" my dad told me it was the day we'd visit my sister but my phone didn't remind me which was weird and I had no memory of my dad telling me today was the day we were visiting Via which was also weird since he had said he reminded me over 10 times , it was actually the first time I was going to see Via so I was excited. I went to see my sister 4 hours away so me and my dad got ready, that's probably why my dad was so happy today because Olivia's treatment was coming to an end. But she'd still need to take medicine for another year and constant check ups and the chemo, hair loss, all of it. It was a very long car ride and me and my dad really didn't talk much anyways so it was awkward and long but it was worth it, seeing my sister again was worth it no matter what. When we got there I was so excited I practically jumped out of the car, running into the hospital waiting room slash registration and plus gift shop, me and dad decided to buy Via a stuffed bear and a stress ball. We had to wait to see her but eventually we did as I said the wait was worth it. We went up to her room an hour after we arrived at the hospital. I guess she was just finishing up a final check up or something, I opened the door excited to see my sister and my mom. I hadn't seen her in a long time too. I get to call her a lot but it's not the same. My dad opened the door and said Lisa, who was my mom we both ran out and hugged her but I noticed V wasn't there with mom I asked mom where Via was she just responded calmly just getting her last check up before we can take her home. I almost screamed when I heard mom say that, I knew we were seeing Olivia but I had no clue we were taking her home today. I couldn't sit still. I was too excited 5 or so minutes passed by and I still didn't see Via, to be honest sitting in her room was killing me. I wanted to see my sister for real. I heard a little voice in my head that sounded familiar saying "She's not coming back" I understood she was talking about Via. I couldn't talk to Sylvia if that was even her because my parents would think i've lost it which maybe I have nobody else seemed to hear her. I excused myself to go to the bathroom to talk to Sylvia, I walked in smiling back at my dad. I started talking to Sylvia asking "what, why isn't Olivia coming back with us" "what do you know that we don't" Sylvia only said "are you sure?" which confused me even more. I tried getting her to talk to me again but she wouldn't say a word. I walked out of the bathroom a little disappointed but still trying to pretend to be excited so my parents didn't ask me what's wrong because I didn't want to lie. Sylvia was like my shadow. She just followed me around and really only showed up if I was screaming in my head, I guess my scream nobody else can hear but she can kinda like a dog whistle. When I walked out of the bathroom I saw Via I was so excited I hugged my twin tightly and felt like screaming, I started tearing up from joy because I couldn't believe It was her, after hugging and crying I remembered what Sylvia had said, "She's not coming back" I was very sad after this realization because I didn't know when or what was going to happen to my sister and whatever it was it would keep her from coming home again. I couldn't let anything bad happen to my sister. She was already sick and weak. If something else happened she might not survive it. While Via and my parents were talking to each other I was trying to figure out in my head what to do, should I tell Via should I not. I had no idea what to do, I just tried playing it cool and not trying to be obvious that something was bothering me. A few minutes go by with everyone laughing and talking when Via pulls me aside and whispers in a demanding tone "Tiff, what is going on with you? Why are you acting weird?" I didn't want to tell her that she wouldn't be coming home with us. I mean how do you even tell somebody that I had to make something else and quick so she'd get off my back, "Via I just was scared that you wouldn't be the same and things would be awkward." Via could tell I was lying I knew it by the look on her face. It was disappointing she said "Tiff I thought we were close, just forget it" and she walked off into the hallway, my parents went running after her calling her name. I stood there in Via's room not knowing what to do Sylvia popped into my head "Why didn't you just say it?" Said Sylvia. I didn't know why I didn't try but the words just didn't come through and I had to lie. I thought to myself that's why Via's not coming home with us because she's mad at me and doesn't want to come back to live with us. I ran out into the hallway Sylvia telling me that she'll never forgive me, she hates me now, she'll never come home with us. But I still have to try, the truth will set me free. Running down the hall passing 100's of rooms I probably made a wrong turn at some point but I just was going where my feet took me hoping it led me to Via. I had to backtrack a little bit but I found her walking slowly down the hall with my dad next to her, I pulled Via aside telling her the truth about the voice in my head, "listen Via I know this is gonna sound crazy but you'll believe me, well I hope you do, there's been a woman in my head telling me things for 6 years now and when I got here and went into you room she told me that you wouldn't be coming home with us... That's why I acted so weird." Via had a strange look on her face she seemed shocked and scared and she really didn't seem like she believed me. I was about to say that she didn't believe me when she started talking " Tiffany, of course I believe you're my twin, you'd never lie and I know when you're lying anyways. We need to tell mom and dad." I put my hand out and stopped Via before she walked to my dad. "Via, we can't tell mom or dad they wouldn't believe us, they'd think i'm crazy, which who knows maybe I am. But seriously please don't tell them, Twin Secret." Via understood and didn't tell my dad which is very relieving. I hugged Via sense I might not see her again for awhile and leaned over to her ear and whispered "thank you v" I wiped my tears away and turned to my dad saying it's all okay now, I guess Sylvia was wrong, Via did forgive me which means she could also be wrong about Via coming back with us. We all went back up to Via's room except my mom still hadn't appeared. I said to myself she just went to get some food downtown. It's only 5 minutes away, she'll be back soon. I caught Via up on everything that was happening at school about the soccer team and our new math teacher, it was awesome getting to talk to her again we talked on the phone sometimes but she was so out of it she didn't really make sense half the time. We wanted to go out and do something with Via but we didn't know what I told my dad that we should go shopping at the mall. I didn't really like shopping all that much but Via loved it. She was on board with the idea and my dad just wanted to make Via happier so he agreed. We went out into the parking lot forgetting that my mom had left with our car. I remembered right as we left the hospital exit doors and then I saw our car. I guess she just walked then. So we drove to the mall and when we got there me and Via ran off into different shops leaving our dad in the food court still trying to get a hold of our mom. Me and Via got some candy, plenty of clothes, food It was a great day it was around 3:30 now and we still hadn't seen my mom, Me and Via checked in with dad and said we were gonna go try on some of the clothes, Via looked so great in all of her new clothes, I forgot she even was sick i'm surprised dad wasn't following us around to make sure Via was doing alright. My dad had finally heard from mom and called us over to the food court at the table closest to the subway, me and Via looked around awhile then saw my dad and ran over he had some food there for us to split which me and Via were definitely happy about we always loved a good subway, it was our favourite restaurant as kids but she hadn't had it in a long time and I wanted to wait to have it again with my sister. We sat down and took a bite of the sandwich it was way different then I remembered it tasting, and I remembered I wouldn't have subway until my sister could have it with me, and it seems dumb which it kinda is but I don't care it was something I promised Olivia and this meant she was really coming home with us. I was so happy I couldn't believe that she was actually coming with us. It was great. My dad started talking after me and Via having our sister moment, My dad said "so, i found out where mom is, don't worry she's perfectly fine she just got into a car accident while in a taxi trying to drive back to the hospital." Via asked Is she okay which I was also about to say. Dad told us mom was okay but she just needed us to pick her up," okay well let's go get mom, I said. Dad said that her phone died as she was about to say where she was so I don't know where she is," I looked at Via in fear, and my dad called the police while I started telling Via that Sylvia might be right there mom might not be coming back with us. Via started crying and I tried to not cry for my sister but I started crying. I was scared and I really wanted and needed my mom. I did love her. While me and Via were crying on the blue bench by the subway my dad walked off asking people if they knew mom trying to know where she got any information. We waited around all day in the mall waiting to hear from the police so they could tell us they found mom, but that call never happened. Dad did get a call from the police though the police women said that they had no luck and they'd keep looking but that we should just go home for now, My dad told me and V the bad news we were crushed but mom was smart and she loved camping so she would be perfectly fine I hoped atleast and I'm sure V hoped so too. We drove home that day with Via but not with mom, one Via wasn't there mom was there with me everyday, when I had a bad day she'd always be there, it's never occurred to me what I would do without mom, I'm scared what if she is gone, what if they don't find her, I can't imagine what my dad must be feeling losing his soulmate that would be impossible for anybody and take years of grief to get over. I cried myself to sleep that night everytime I stopped. I thought of losing my mom and I couldn't hold in any tears, at least I had family around me to comfort me like Via. She slept in our bedroom and I heard her sobbing into her pillow that made me just cry more. Via knew not to bother me while I was sad but if I was being honest I could really use a hug right now. I didn't get one but I eventually did get to sleep. I woke up with my sister but without my mom still, I woke up to Sylvia telling me that she was right, and that I should really take her warning's more seriously so that I can save my family. I brushed it off because there's no real way that a voice in my head could make bad things happen, it was all a coincidence right? 

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