Chapter 31: Revival! Achilles and Dragon!

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Recap: Last time on A Crimson Bond, Hyde and Y/n had their rematch at the Dread Tower. During the battle Dragon was broken into pieces thanks to Hades. With Y/n broken they ran off, their spirit destroyed. As they cried about their broken bey, they heard something unexpected they heard beys clashing. They followed the sound to see Phi and Aiger battling. They arrived just on the scene as they watched Phi destroy Achilles. As the rain falls on the two Twins, they mourn the loos of their beys. What will happen to the twins now? Find out on this Chapter of A Crimson Bond.

It was still raining as the twins were just standing there looking at their broken beys. Both were completely soaked. Y/n was still hugging their brother comforting them.

Aiger: "Why? I thought we were really resonating. Was that still not enough? If I could have Resonated more and felt even more of your pain...would it still have ended up like this?"

Y/n was silent as they couldn't really form the words. Aiger then remembered what Valt said when he was battling Hyde.

Valt: "We're not gonna hold back! Right, partner?!"

Aiger: "Partner. Huh."

Y/n: "We never really saw our beys as partners, did we...."

Aiger: "I think your right...."

They both also remember what Shu said.

Shu: "Resonance is the bond you form with your bey. Does that bond exist for you two and your beys?"

Aiger: "Our bond?"

As the rain stopped, Fubuki and Ranjiro were looking for Aiger and Y/n, but then they saw them down below near a stadium.

Fubuki: "Over there!"

The two run down towards Aiger and Y/n.

Ranjiro: "Aiger, Y/n! Why are you two standing around here? Your both soaked to the bone!"

Fubuki then notices the broken beys.

Fubuki: "Hey, that's-"

Ranjiro then notices as well.

Ranjiro: "Achilles! First Hyde destroyed Dragon and now Achilles is destroyed! Who did this Aiger?"

Neither twins respond.

Ranjiro: "Aiger!"

Aiger: "We were wrong about nearly everything. I mean, I thought true Resonance was feeling the pain Achilles felt and that the more pain I was feeling, the stronger our Resonance. You were right cap'n. About us only wanting to destroy our opponents."

Y/n: "No kidding, I even destroyed a bey, I'll never forgive myself for that..."

Aiger: "And around the time is when I stopped hearing Achilles voice."

Y/n: "Same thing for me as well, I didn't hear Dragon's voice anymore."

Aiger: "All this time we thought we were battling together with our beys, but that wasn't it. Neither of us didn't stop hearing our bey's voice. Neither of us were listening."

Valt and Shu caught of to the group and watched on.

Y/n: "Some partners we are huh..."

Aiger went down and picked up the pieces of Achilles as Y/n picked up Dragon's pieces.

Aiger: "Your right, Y/n. We weren't acting like the partners we should've been and because of that we had no bond between our beys."

Y/n: "We destroyed the very beys we created...."

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