Chapter 2

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Kageyama wants nothing more than to fall out of love with the Vegan Teacher.

But falling out of love is harder than it seems.

The harder he tries to hate her, 

The more his love for her grows.

Getting ready for school he tries not to think about her. 

It worked for a little while, 

Until his mom kissed his cheek while saying goodbye,

Did he wish that it was the Vegan Teacher giving him a kiss instead of his mom. 

He walked into the school,

Eyes helplessly darting around to see if he could spot her.



Left again. 

And then he heard her.

He instinctively turned his head towards the familiar voice. 

Her voice. 

She had her ukelele out and she was singing.

Which wasn't uncommon of her.

He didn't know exactly what she was singing, 

Or what the lyrics meant.

But it didn't matter to him.

The love of his life was in front of him.

Even if she didn't even know it yet.

Strumming her ukelele she sang: 

"Eating animals is wrong, 


Hurting animals is wrong-" 

Halfway through the song she met eyes with Kageyama.

Her breath hitched as they made eye contact.

Kageyama swore he would never forget the look on her face.

Mouth slightly agape, 

Eyes wide, and sparkling staring at him. 

The moment only lasted a split second, 

Before she went back into song.


Share this song, 

And change your entire menu,

To be vegan from now on" 

To Kageyama, 

The Vegan Teacher's voice sounded like angels singing. 

To others,

Well not so much.

Either way, 

The only thing on Kageyamas mind was,

How great his morning started out.

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