hey Ryan- there's a family emergency I can't come to training but ill still be at the date.

Ryan- omg elle. take all the time you need. see you tomorrow night.

I didn't respond I was too worried about my mom. I grabbed my pillow and lied down. for as long as I remember my mom has always been there for me even as a daddy's girl. she loves me endlessly. she and dad were the best parents ever.  they have always been selfless when it came to me and when I and mom found out dad was dying. we were torn at the idea that our happy family would no longer be happy.  my parents had their ups and downs but they were soulmates. I couldn't stop thinking of my mom's smile and how nice she was. I screamed in pain in my pillow. why did it have to me and my family?  I looked up at the ceiling and remembered what my mom had told me when I was little.  ''elle, I want you to look up no matter where you are and think of me whenever your sad, ill be watching you closely, elle I love you. I started crying and then drifted off.

I woke up around 6 and realized it was time for me and ry's date. I wasn't feeling up to part but I couldn't back out now. I got dressed and walked out of the school and to the beach. I saw Ryan. omg, elle are you okay??? is your mom alright? I looked down at the sand and started to walk away. wait elle!!! look at ME!! RYAN I can't, I have to go. it hurts too much. ill see you tomorrow. I called my grandma. Hello? omg grandma it's elle, is mom alright? I'm coming now. no sweetie, she's in stable condition. shell be fine. ill tell you more tomorrow. okay, grandma please tell her I love her!. I will... bye hun

I loved being a travel nurse and having the opportunity but right now. it hurt really bad because of my mom. what if she dies or she lives and the doctors mess it up. I know I'm being pessimistic but ever since my dad passed I never felt optimistic or happy about anything. I can't imagine being an orphan. I walked back into the school and went to bed.

Ryan texted

Ryan- hey.. um, training today. are you coming? if not that's okay

yeah ill be there. see you in ten

I went downstairs and saw Ryan. I grabbed his shoulders. heyyy dimples. he smiled. are you okay? yeah.. my mom has a brain injury shes in stable condition. that sucks. what did your dad say, I know he's got to be freaking out. dead I answered. Ry- your dad said dead, what the heck!!! no, no my dad is dead. Ry- oh I'm sorry... do you need a hug or some time alone? no, because if I do hug you ill cry and my dad didn't want that he wanted me to cherish his memories, not his death. Ry- alight kiddo. I'm here for you though. thanks.

we went into the training room. so this patient has mono. what do you do? I tell them to get some rest, eat a healthy diet and drink plenty of fluids. there's no specific way to treat it.  yes, yes good job. hey, can I talk to you he asked?  sure I spoke. he grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the room. Ryan- elle I like you and I know you're going through a lot right now but I want to be there for you, you honestly make me so happy. I want to be with you. as long as there's no drama with Kim I answered. Ry- I promise there won't be.  I have a question? yes, he said. I helped an young women give birth and she and her daughter reached out to me to catch up and talk and she lives in Washington and I heard they have a program where you can travel to help people. do you wanna come with me? he smiled. Of course. he dipped me and then kissed me.it felt like the world was spinning.

                                                                   9 weeks later

Elle Perkins!!! You're gonna be the death of me!! I chuckled and sat down. were here Ryan it took nine weeks of training but we're finally here my love and I have to tell you something. yeah, what's up? Ryan said. um, I said shyly were pregnant!!!!! We're gonna have a kiddddd!!! omg elle WHATTTTT!!! he yelled wow my love I'm so excited and I love you.  wait, you love me? I asked. yeah I do he said and how about you, do you love me? Ryan Flinton yes I love you, why wouldn't I? you're the best my love. he chuckled and kissed me and like that we and like that it was to Spain for labor delivery and not for me, of course, don't be worried. it was Thursday, June, 21. 9 am. I woke up and called my mom well waking up Ryan. even though it's been nine weeks I still had to check up on her. hey mom, so what's going on with the injury? um elle I have some news, the doctors just told me that the injury is worse and me living for years and years is down by just a little she quenched. mom, how long? It's nothing, elle. MOM!!! HOW LONG! um nine to ten months top, my love.

MOM!!! I yelled while freaking out, I'm pregnant. you'll have no chance of being a grandmother.. what are we gonna do? I must've caused this. I'm so sorry for all I've done mom. if I've stressed you out. she interrupted hey elle this has absolutely nothing to do with you nor your dad I'm just wicked and old and.. trust me ill fight believe that and I'm so happy for you and Ryan and the baby. You're honestly gonna be a great mother. I love you. ill talk to you tomorrow.

Ryan. what do I do?  It's serious babe. Ryan- what happened babe? my mom's injury has gotten worse and the longest she has to live tops is 10 months. Ryan- hey babe it's alright well spend time with her, and if she doesn't get to meet the baby in time. well show videos and pictures of her to the baby like we'll do with your dad. they are so proud of you and I am too. it'll be okay.   okay, I sighed.  Ryan- do you still wanna deliver Mareetia's baby today or no? we don't have to. no, no I said I wanna deliver the baby. I've been waiting for such a long time. I remembered when I was 10 and my dad told me his first baby delivery. he was stressed because him and mom had been arguing that morning but when he came back he was jumping up and down and just so happy. I was smiling so hard and so was he. he kept going on and on about the procedure. man, I miss him. 

Ryan- that's a great story babe and he's so proud of who've you become I'm sure of it. he loved you and your grandparents do and your mom and well....me. I love you dummy I said. Ryan- I love you too. well, let's get some lunch I know your starving babe. yeah, I am I laughed. we got our lunch and sat while my old boss Michael had texted. hey, babe, I said while tapping his arm. he looked up with his sandwich in his mouth. hmm, I mumbled. we have to go meertia is having contractions. he nodded and got up.   we arrived at the beach where meertia was having the baby.    she looked bad and worn out which was bad for the baby but like my dad and every other doctor I wouldn't let anyone die that wasn't me. I slid by her. let's start with breathing, it's never too early, right?    okay, meertia spoke. with me 1,2,3 huh, huh, whoo, huh. okay good, tell me if it hurts down there.  meertia- okay. does this hurt? I asked. no, she said. okay, how about now? oh yeah, doc that freaking hurts.   okay!!! that's great seems like the baby is coming I said optimistically. alright now!!!! pushhhhhhhh.    ahhhhhhhhhh she screamed. pushhhhhhhhhh I yelled.    some more. ooh whoo ahhhhhhhhh.  good, push a little more meer. ahhhhhhhhh. I see the head. one more big pushhhhhh.   ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!. good job! It's a boy, congrats I smiled. I thought about my dad.   thanks, doc, ill never forget you she said.

I called my mom. hey, mom, it's elle. if you don't recognize the number it's because it's a travel nurse number. oh hey hun, what's up? I delivered my first official baby!! oh my god ELLE!!!!! I'm so proud of you!!! it kind of reminds me of.. I interrupted when dad told us about his first delivery. yeah, yeah hun she said sadly, well I gotta go to treatment.

 she texted. What's the mom's race elle?  MOMMMMMMMMM!!!! I texted back she's Indian and the baby Indian and Asian, now go to treatment.   okay, I'm going, I'm going.  I walked up to Ryan. my mom just asked about the baby race. sounds like her he said while laughing. he sat down in silence. what is it, hun? do you think your dad would like me? of course!!! he liked all my crushes, he would've loved you and the way you took care of me! I'm hurt you didn't get to meet him but you get to meet my mom and my grandparent in a few weeks!!!. he smiled and pulled me in. I'm excited babe.

Love, ElleWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt