Chapter 3.

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"Ruby, Ruby wake up I need to talk to you." The voice was angelic, so soft and beautiful, it reminded me of my own mother, which is odd because I don't have any memories of her or my dad.

"5 more minutes mom," I said to the voice, I was dreaming about Jake Collins, 'I am dreaming about who?' My eyes shot open and I shot up, 'never in my right state of mind would I dream about a ladies man like him.'

Looking around I noticed white all around me, and looking down I was in a white dress, "Ah good, you woke up," the same angelic voice said and the woman came into view, to say I was stunned was an understatement, it was like looking into a mirror of the future.

"Who are you?" I whispered still in shock, 'Dear god let this be a Nonno joke for banning him from his own party.'

"Why that's no way to greet your own mother," she half scolded but a smile spread across her face, "would you look at you, beautiful and pure." She took my face in her hand, and examined it, "same freckles when I was your age, don't worry they'll get better."

"My mother?" I was confused, was I dead, was this heaven, and where was my father.

"No you're not dead, you dead meaning I would be dead," she sighed, "okay I am not really your mother, we are the same person.... no don't you dare black out on me young lady," she scolded when she saw me swaying a little, "I know it's a lot to take in, and I had hoped it would have been differently but you see I made a terrible mistake when I paired you off with a soulmate."

"There is no such thing as soulmates," I snorted skeptically of this insane woman, she had me almost believing we were the same person, "you almost had me, Nonno brought me to the loony bin as retribution didn't he?"

"Ruby," she sighed, "I am not lying to you, I am telling the truth, I don't belong in the loony bin just as much as you."

"After this I might just check myself in," I mumbled and looked around, there was nothing here except a door, "what's through there? Is that the exit?"

"Only if you want to die a horrible death," she said icily, "you have got to listen to me Ruby."

"Fine," I sighed and turned around, "but you gotta summon some chairs because if this story is going to be full of surprises I want to at least be sitting down."

"Fair enough," she said and snapped her fingers, in an instance two all white plush chairs appeared out of no where.

"How come everything is the same color white but I can see differences?" I ask taking a seat in one of the chairs.

"Because not everything is white," she simply shrugged leaving me with a confused look, "but I want to talk about you and why you are here," she was straight to the point, I like that, maybe we're not so different after all, "I brought you up here because I made a mistake in giving you your soulmate." I snorted again but she shot me a look, "yes soulmates exists, not everyone is lucky enough to find their soulmates but the ones that are cherish each other."

I stayed quiet.

"Your soul, because you are me, is an old soul, you'll have déjà-vu moments from time to time but you won't stand still with the moment.

Your first soulmate, my soulmate, the soulmate of our ancestors sold his soul to the devil after I had met him and had a kid with him, you'll know him his name is Lance."

"So wait Lance is like my son?! But what am I? Was I even born?"

"You weren't born in the way most people are born, you are a piece of my soul, you look exactly like me, like your ancestors, that is why you are never placed within the same city or the same continent, the fact that you and Lance work together is pure coincidence."

"But isn't it weird for him to know I look like his mother?"

"He doesn't know what I look like, his father burned all my pictures, he might feel a pull towards you but more in the friends way than anything else just like you feel protective of him."

"It's weird you know, I've known Lance for as long as I've work for Nonno and I've always felt a connection with him but never thought anything about it."

"And you won't because Lance is off limit," her face took on a dark edge, "we are here to discuss your soulmate, mr Jake Collins is his name right now."

"Nope, don't want anything to do with his womanizing ways," I was quick to the defense, "I don't believe he and I are soulmates."

"Are you sure you don't want him?" She gave me a look, "because I can break this bond and try and find you a new soulmate, but you'll be in a coma for the rest of your life until your soulmate kisses you awake."

"What is this Snow White or Sleeping Beauty or another Disney movie?"

"No but it's the only way I can safely remove the mate bond on our side, as for Jake Collins and his soul they will die, both of them."

"Wait so you want me to choose between sleeping forever and killing him or being miserable by being his soulmate?"

"I didn't say you would be miserable, but he has certain secrets that I don't want you to know about," she sighed.

"What are his secrets," I ask curious.

"Those are his, they are not mine to tell," she said and looked up at the ceiling, "our time is almost over, have you decided what you want?"

"I don't want to kill an innocent soul," I sighed feeling sorry for the young soul, "do I have to go to him immediately?"

"Make him suffer, it'll give me and the ancestors something to laugh about up here," she smiled an evil smile and I couldn't help but laugh when I felt myself fading away.

"One more question!" I yelled before I was totally gone, "what are we?"

"We are the moon goddess...."

The voice faded into the dark before a bright light consumed me....

"What's a moon goddess?" I yelled out but was met by my empty room, so many questions were swirling around in my head giving me a headache.

I pressed the buzzer next to my bed and three seconds later Nonno and Nonna stormed in my room, "Amore mio," Nonno said, "how are you feeling?"

"I have a headache," I said massaging my temples, a housekeeper came in with water and some Tylenol, "thank you," I popped the Tylenol in my mouth and drank the whole glass of water at once.

"I fired Ashley," Nonno said.

"I gathered as much from the punches she was giving me," I shot him a look and he cringed away a little.

"You want to press assault charges?" Nonna asked.

"No, she'll have a hard time finding another job as it is, I don't want to put more pressure on it," I sighed and cuddled deeply in the blankets.

"Go take a nap sweetheart," Nonna said, "we are just a buzz away."

I nodded and dozed off to sleep but not before I heard my Nonna tell my Nonno something that left my mind going haywire.

He is the only one who can truly protect her.

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