Part One: Kim Jisoo #1

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"December 14th, 2073. It's the day before my seventeenth birthday, and guess what. We're out catching lemmings for soup, as always. I'm so tired of lemming soup. I've never tasted anything else. I have nothing left to say because I have no life." Jisoo sighed and shut off the pocket tape recorder. She scanned the tundra, looking for her caretaker. "N!" she yelled. "Where is your iron-hard butt?"

N's head popped up from behind a short bush. He grinned at her and held up a brown sack filled with the tiny lemmings. "Got dinner!" he called out cheerfully in his monotone voice.

Jisoo rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Let's just go home." She whistled and an artic owl came soaring from the skies carrying a sack full of fish. It dropped the sack in the sled and landed on Jisoo's shoulder. The timber wolves became impatient, waiting for Jisoo's command to start running.

N walked evenly over the tundra and joined Jisoo on the sled. With a click of her tongue, the lead wolf,  a beautiful, giant, maroon-colored beast named Red, started leading the other packwolves swiftly across the frigid landscape.

"A good catch today Kimmie," N chirped.

"Please don't call me that."

"Sorry Kimmie."

Jisoo sighed and rolled her eyes. It didn't take long for them to be back at their cabin. Jisoo clicked her tongue again and the wolves slowed to a stop. Her owl flew from her slim shoulder to his roost in the attic as she unharnessed the wolves and let them into the underground barn. N went inside to prepare dinner.

Jisoo was sitting on a thick quilt while brushing Red's lush coat. The lead wolf rested his head in her lap and looked up at her with intelligent eyes. She smiled gently down at him and sighed. "Just another boring day Red," she mumbled. "I wish something intresting would happen around here."


"Kimmie!" N called. "Breakfast is ready!"

Jisoo groaned and rolled over, facing away from the attic's hatch door. She buried her face back in her pillow and tried to fall back asleep.

"Kimmie! Please come eat! Today is your seventeenth birthday! I made a special breakfast!"

"Let me guess, lemming stew as opposed to soup, just like every other year." She glared at the clockwork caretaker as his head appeared in the hatch door.

"Nope! I made a cake!" He smiled proudly, flashing his bright white, perfectly straight teeth.

Jisoo's eyes widened. "What? A real cake?"


"I'm impressed. I'll be right down." N left and Jisoo started getting dressed. Her owl turned away from her and flew out the open window. Jisoo shrugged and continued putting on her furlined clothing until she felt a burning sensation in her arms. She gasped and fell to her knees.

"Kimmie? Are you okay?" N asked when he heard her fall. She couldn't answer. The pain was overwhelming as tears gathered in the corners of her eyes. As she looked down, faint blue lines began to appear on her pale arms. N appeared again and gave a robotic gasp. "By the bowels of Christ..." He breathed.

What scared Jisoo the most, was that N looked frightened, and he wasn't even human.

ON FIRE: An f(x) Luna and YG Kim Jisoo Fanfic (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now