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-What are you doing here Heeseung?-asked Sunghoon as kind as he could.
-Jake. Don't leave please. We just started being friends. Do have any idea how much I've been waiting for this?
-I'm happy for that too. But you can't expect me to stay because of that.-said Jake looking weirdly at Heeseung. Sunghoon was holding Jake's hand and Heeseung noticed that and he looked mad.
-Why can't you love me like that?-asked Heeseung getting mad suddenly. Sunghoon stand in front of Jake and looked at Heeseung seriously.
-I really don't understand how can't you get that he loves me and not you. It's really not that freaking hard.
-Shut up Sunghoon. I was talking to Jake.-said Heeseung and he pushed Sunghoon and he fell on the floor. He wasn't hurt but it was enough to get him freaking mad.
-Sunghoon stop please.-said Jake as he saw that Sunghoon was ready to beat the shit out of Heeseung. -Heeseung look me in the eyes and listen. I'm gonna tell this last time. -started Jake and he looked calm but he said the words so seriously even Sunghoon got a bit scared.
-I don't like you like that anymore and never will. So stop it seriously.
-B-but I-
-No, stop it. If you keep continue this you're just gonna get yourself hurt. Please and now go away. We have a flight to catch.-said Jake and he grabbed Sunghoon's hand and they ran away. And Heeseung was just standing there feeling really hurt. But at least he realized that he's never gonna be with Jake.
-Wow that was amazing. I've never seen you like this.-said Sunghoon being amazed. They finally sat down and waited til they can get on the plane.
-What? You didn't know that I can be serious?-laughed Jake. -Of course I can be, when I have to.
-It just suprised me that's all. I hope Heeseung finally will get over you. -he said and sighed. He acutally felt a bit sorry for Heeseung. Sunghoon could see that he really loves Jake.
-I hope so too. I want to be friends with him and nothing more. I hope he can accept that one day.
-Please tell me that there's no more people who's in love with you and could ruin our day more.-joked Sunghoon and he put his head on Jake's shoulder.
-No I don't think so. Maybe we should worry about your exes or something.-laughed Jake.

An hour later they heard the announcent so they got up and showed their tickets and went on the plane finally.
-Huh so we're here.-said Sunghoon and he looked out the window. He begged Jake to switch seats, that's how much he loved looking at the view.
-Can I tell you something?-asked Sunghoon and Jake immediately got worried.
-Oh yeah.
-I'm afraid of flying.
-What?-asked Jake panicked.-Why didn't you tell me that??
-Cause I didn't want to see you worry. Like you do right now. But I'll be okay. I'll just try to sleep for the whole flight. Then I won't get a panic attack.
-Ah Sunghoon.-said Jake. He was really worried for Sunghoon and he didn't know what to do.
-Really don't worry. Just hold my hand the whole time.-said Sunghoon and he almost sat on Jake.
-Sir, sit back on your seat please. -said a flight attendant.
-I can't. Sorry.-said Sunghoon and Jake looked at him like he's gone insane.
-He's really afraid of flying.-confessed Jake and looked at the flight attentand.
-I can get some medicine that'll keep him calm. Should I get one?-asked the flight attendant kindly.
-Yes please.-said Jake then he looked at Sunghoon. -You're cute.
-T-thanks. But what if we'll die?-asked Sunghoon looking up at Jake.
-We won't. Trust me, okay?-asked Jake and Sunghoon cutely nodded. -We'll arrive just fine. Just think about how much you're gonna like Australia and the summer like weather all the time.
-Here's your medicine. Take it with water.-said the flight attendant and give some water to Sunghoon.
-Thank you.
Sunghoon took it and a few minutes later he was asleep. Jake realized just how much he doesn't know about Sunghoon yet. But he's excited to found out more things about him while living together. It's gonna be amazing. And with that thought Jake smiled and the plane started flying.

Sooo this was the last chapter and I hope you like reading it just as how much I liked writing it:))) thanks for everyone who read it and for the votes!!

Loving You Is A Losing Game • JakehoonWhere stories live. Discover now