Sarcasm? I think not.

Start from the beginning

"This place is super weird." Iceland muttered as we left the statuette. "I honestly thought it was real..." Japan tugged on my sleeve to hurry up and we had to pick up the pace to enter the hall. As soon as we entered the hall, she tugged off the jacket with relief and gave it back to me. The Hall was almost empty, to my relief and Japan's disappointment. We sat down at a table near the windows on the east side, away from the general group on the west wing.

"So Iceland," Japan started when we almost finished our dinner. I was raised to not speak before you finished eating, so my mouth was shut. "What are you here for? Major, I mean."

"Didn't I tell you already?" He asked. She shook her head and he sighed. " I said, I'm to be working with my sister on her ship. Fishing, you know."

"Why did you come here then, if you're going to fish?" She cocked her head questionably. "You don't need a degree for that. I fish with my mom and dad. They seem to do it without a prized degree."

"Are you accusing me, Japan?" Even though it sounded like a threat, his voice was even, and friendly.

"Oh, no no. I was just much just waste it all." She turned back to her Japanese dish and ate for some time. The group on the west was getting louder, and it felt like we were in a full hall. Then I realised that there was a familiar face in the group. Oh, America. The clown. I should have known. The loudmouth teenager that liked to stir the pot of trouble for everyone. My father would have loved to twist his arm. Maybe not only that. He couldn't say anything too violent in front of Kazakhstan. I would've. Especially for special cases like that. Both Japan and Iceland didn't know of my hate of America. I wasn't going to tell them unless the drastic measures came. Like if he came here. Japan was talking quietly to Iceland, telling him about Japanese fish and stuff like that.

" eat it raw?" Iceland questioned her.

"Only sometimes. I wouldn't want to get sick from eating too much." Her sentence was cut short. She and Iceland were staring at something next to me. Even before I turned my head, the smell of something fried, greasy and disgusting hit my nose. When I finally did so, I was face to face with the Burger King. Yes, The United States. Great.

"Hya!" He waved to me and my friends in an exuberant way. "Mind if I sit here?"

"No!" "Yes!" Both me and Japan said the words at the same time. I guessed he cared for her words rather than mine, because he plopped himself right next to me with his tray of garbage.

"So...y'all new?" He asked with his mouth full of food. I couldn't help but scowl in disgust.

"Yes." Iceland replied evenly. By his tone, I couldn't guess wether or not he liked America.

"Mhmm." Japan nodded eagerly.

"You?" He pointed at me with his ketchup tipped fingers.

"Yes." I said through gritted teeth. I was bigger than him and way stronger. I could've put him in a headlock in a minute. Thirty seconds if he was eating. But I wasn't in it to be expelled for attempting to kill the headmaster's baby. So I had to play along. Yay.

"Cool." He said between eating. "What's the major?"

"Excuse me?" I asked, sarcasm hinting in my voice.

"I like you, dude." He nodded, taking off his stupid sunglasses, which he wore even in the dim light. How dumb can this guy get? "We should hang out."

"Sure." He probably bounced off my scoffing that leaked out of me like an oil tanker. He thought that I was really saying 'sure' as if I meant it. I should start to pray more.

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