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New Year's Eve. What a year it had been, especially for Karl and Orinna.

They had been introduced to each other, spoken to each other multiple times over the year, became even closer and then even developed feelings for each other.

Obviously she had made so many incredible memories throughout the year, but Karl was the thing which made it so much better.

So, as the group was having a mini-party, Orinna was by herself in hers and Karl's room still getting ready.

She was just finishing her makeup up as she heard the door slowly open from behind her. In walked both Niki and Minx, the only other women in the house.

'Are you nearly ready?' Minx said, wrapping her arm around the girl so she'd face them.

She was wearing a blue dress which from the front looked like a two piece, and it suited her very well. She had very minimal makeup on, but she didn't need a full face or anything on, she had a natural glow.

'Yeah, yeah I am' Orinna smiled, before wrapping the two girls into a quick hug. She didn't know why, she just really appreciated them both in the moment.

'I'm sure Karl will love how you look' Niki mentioned, gently nudging the girl slightly. She smiled giddily whilst walking down the stairs, she had a sudden boost of narcissism but the idea of Karl liking how she looked? That topped it all off.

The party was in full swing downstairs. Obviously they didn't let any of the teenagers drink, but a few of the others were. Orinna had promised herself she wouldn't drink just yet.

By the time she got downstairs, it was already around 10, the only reason she was down so late compared to everyone else is because she had been running errands for everyone all day.

The next nearly two hours went past so rapid, all that had been happening really was drunk karaoke and dancing.

At this point, everyone was outside. They had purchased some legal fireworks, seeing as they couldn't go out anywhere but wanted the full affect they would get any other year if covid wasn't around.

Phil had offered to light them, and seeing as he was rather responsible no one wanted to disagree with him doing it.

With seconds left, Orinna was stood with the three teenagers, currently holding hands with Tubbo and spinning round in a circle with each other.

It was rather cute in her opinion, she loved how pure the boy was, well at times, she had seen his twitter and sleep deprived streams more than once.

On the other side of the little garden they had, Karl was panicking and rushing out his feelings. He had planned something for a few days, but now was getting second thoughts.

'What is she declines it? Oh god this is too stressful' Karl was on the verge of tears in between Quackity and Sapnap.

'I don't know dude but you have about 15 seconds left' Quackity said, which Sapnap nodded about before pushing him towards the girl.

It took him about five seconds to reach her, and when he got there Tubbo automatically knew what he was about to do, so let Orinna go.


'I- Orinna I want to say something to you'


'I've wanted to say this for a while but never knew how to'


'You're an absolute blessing to me and oh god how do I say this'


'You've truly changed me this past year'


'I- I love you'


'And no matter what I just wanted you to know this'


Orinna stared at the boy for a few seconds, astonished for what to say.


She shifted her eyes from his chest to his eyes and her expression softened automatically.


Words couldn't explain the emotions she was feeling, and slowly, the same force of gravity was back and making the pair come close together once again.


She smiled as she meant towards him, and she wrapped her arms around his neck as he did the same round her waist.

Happy New Year!

Their lips locked and it was as if the world around them stopped. Nothing could make the moment feel wrong, the pure bliss they were feeling was amazing and something they both craved more.

It wasn't too long of a kiss, but not at all short. It managed to capture their feelings very well. And sure, many people associated kisses with being like fireworks, but that didn't fit right. It was more like the stars aligning in a perfect way.

It was the opposite of Romeo and Juliet, well not in the way of them being star-crossed lovers who take their life, but that they were destined for each other.

Maybe you could compare them to any Disney movie, there was challenges in the way but they still shared something, which was a love for each other.

When they pulled away they had foolish grins on their faces.

'You couldn't have said it any better'

'You couldn't have said it any better'

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i hope you all love me now

my other book is so close to 100k reads it's unreal

i love this tbh

read the book by @-TUBBEE right now or else ok?

karlinna is pog

love you all <3

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