chapter 3

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Ross' POV.

Black. That's all I can see. One moment I was in a explosion, the next it's just darkness. I can hear the distant screams of the other soldiers. My arm..... It feels like it's on fire and my head is throbbing. I want to scream, but I can't. I want my mommy......

End of POV.

Riker' POV.

Today is the thanksgiving parade, and we're all, well except Ross, in Colorado watching it. Ooo look it's Snoopy!!!!!! We were just sitting here watching it when my mom came running yelling at us to get in the car. "Where are we going?" I asked. "To the hospital that's back in california." I don't think she wants to talk about it.


After about three hours stuck in the car with a bunch of idiots, we arrived at the hospital. We walked in and my dad asked the receptionist which room we need to go to. I didn't hear who my dad asked to see, but the lady said " I'm sorry, there's no one here with that name." " yes there is, I'm his father! NOW TELL ME WHERE MY SON IS!!!" My dad pretty much screamed in her face. Haha wait... Did he say his son? Is R-Rossy here? "Fine. But you, all of you have to fill out some papers." And with that she handed each of us two papers. Aaaaaand...... Done! I named it to the lady and waited for the others to finish. I can't believe it. After two years I get to see my baby brother. We walked down a hall, went up an elevator, and went down another hall. We stop at what looked like a mini waiting room, and sat down. Soon after a doctor came out of a room really close to us. Mom and dad jumped up as he walked towards us. "Lynch?" He asked. " that's us! Is he ok?" Dad Said/asked him. " he's at the moment, but he hasn't woken up yet."   "Is that bad?" I asked. " not yet, but could turn into somethi--"  he was cut of but a bunch of nurses running out of the room trying to find him. When the door opened, we could hear screaming from what sounded like a seventeen year old boy. I jumped up and ran in there. There on the bed, is a boy with wide eyes, and tears pouring down his cheeks, obviously terrified. His blonde, longish hair is pushed back and there's a bandage wrapped around his head and his left arm is bandaged up also with some weird metal brace thing over it.  As soon as he saw me he stopped. He stared at me for a minute then said "R-Rikey?"  "Yes buddy, it's me." I whispered.  "Why can't feel my arm?" He asked, his voice cracking at the end. The doctor came in right then. "Bud, that explosion was really bad. I'm afraid that you've lost all movement in your arm and I'm surprised you're alive, because you kiddo took a bullet to the head. And you've got quite a few broken ribs." The doc told him. Wow I can't believe he's alive!

End of POV. what? Whatever.











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