ch18. His Amaryllis

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"You are my everything. I can't stay without you so please don't say that." He whispered. "Why did you freaking kissed me!" I asked him and he looked confused. "I just ate whatever I saw." I told him mad. "You want to eat me too?" He asked me smirking. "What the!?!" I heard someone say. I looked beside me, it was dad on his wheel chair. "What did I just witness..." he was terrified. "Oh my god!" He rolled into another direction. "Oh ... I forgot we live with my family." I whispered and Ashton cracked laughing.

"To answer your question... I think I want to." I get closer to him. "Sleep." I grinned and headed to our bedroom. "Wait! But I missed you..." he followed me. "Yuppp... that's what you get for not telling everything before I knew." I smirked.

"Kids... would you rather stay in the last floor alone? Like we can arrange that!" Uncle said approaching us. "Why?" I asked confused. "We don't want to see two newlyweds going around with messed up hermons!" Now my face was so red... "we don't have messed up hermons..." I whispered pouting. "Leave them... it's good to see lovely couple." Dad and mom smiled at each other.

"You too! Get a room for god sake." He ran away before he witness anything else. "Let me take Xavier for the night Dila." Mom told me winking. "Mom I am pregnant!" I whined, and she laughed. "Well, I think you can have a romantic night without..." she smirked more and I think my face was on fire. "I need to sleep." I stated and went into our room and straight to bed. I felt the bed sink in and Ashton hands around my stomach. "Can I talk to my babe?" He asked me and turned me to face him. "You can talk but I'll be listening." I announced. "Well you are my babe too." He said kissing my forehead.

"Listen carefully if you think you are teasing me then you need to stop because it's freaking working!" I said annoyed. "Okay I just want to cuddle with my babe." He said circling his hands around me. "Okay.." I sighed.

We drifted to sleep, but at midnight I had this urge to wake up. I sat on my side. I want some strawberries with vanilla... chips also with pickles and mayonnaise.... oh no! I REALLY WANT MARSHMALLOW!

I sat their imagining all these things on a plate... why I want these stuff so freaking much!

"Dila?" I heard Ashton, I looked at him. "Why are you awake?" He asked adjusting himself. "Go back to sleep." I told him and he chuckled. "Are you hungry?" He asked me. "How did you know!" I told him and he laughed. "You looked at me, that's how I know..." he kissed my cheek. "What do you want?"

"Glad you have asked... I want MARSHMALLOW and some pickles with mayo,  I also want some strawberries with a vanilla icecream and some chocolate... but the strawberries should have alittle of lemon taste... you know what I mean?" I asked him and he was giggling. "I'll go get them." He said as he jerked out of bed fast. "Hey Ashton, I also want some chips.." I whispered pouting. "Sure." He grinned. After fifteen minutes he came back with a huge box.

"What's that?" I asked him. "Chips and pickles with a jar of mayo. Also, some strawberries and green apples. I have a jar of nutella and vanilla right here. I also have two bags of Marshmallows. I have an apple juice and some popcorns." He said looking into the box. "Oh and there is a lemon juice from Starbucks." He said giving me his biggest smile. "Wow... I think I will take it... let's eat." I extended my hand and he put the box next to me. "First... Vanilla and chocolate with strawberries." I told him.

While we were eating, someone nocked on the door. "Come in!" I yelled and my uncle walked inside with Josh.

"What are you doing?" Uncle asked me worried. "Eating." I smiled satisfied. "Josh told me that he saw Ashton walking inside with a huge box... we got worried." He told me. "Yup... he brought me some food." I told him and he looked over at the box. "I think he brought the kitchen..." Josh said and Ashton chuckled. "Well, I came prepared. I asked my sister and my mother also her mother what kind of food they ate and they told me. I asked Mason about her first pregnancy and he also specifically told me Vanilla icecream was the most so... I get everything I could and here it is." He said and I was speechless. I didn't know what got into me but I smashed my lips on his, He was shocked and I think my uncle could have been dead... he was coughing so much that I looked at him cutting the kiss. "You should warn me first... I am going back to sleep." 

His Amaryllis ✅حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن