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On the roof, Harmony members sit on the ground, relaxing. Nadeshiko looks up to the sky. 'We have few days until new term begin so we still can go on training' thinks Nadeshiko. She looks towards her group; the Kantai quadruplets are talking and laughing, Yuuki and Kanzashi check their smartphone, Tohka and Mayu look at the lyrics. 'Just like Otonokizaka and Uranohoshi, Nijigasaki will have a school idol group that win Love Live' thinks Nadeshiko. "Hey, let's stay at school for the night." They look at Kongou. "You mean do our own version of summer training?" asked Nadeshiko. "Well, Ayumu and the others did that few weeks ago. So we can do the same," said Kongou. "Good idea. After all we should be prepared for Love Live," said Kongou. Nadeshiko looks at the others. "What is your opinion about this?" asked Nadeshiko. "I am sure it will be fun," said Yuuki as Kanzashi, Tohka and Mayu nod. "Beside we can talk about the ghost stories," said Hiei. "I heard about 7 ghost stories of Nijigasaki," said Kanzashi. "7 Ghost Stories of Nijigasaki?" asked Nadeshiko. "Yes. If I remember correctly; 1. Hanako-san of the toilet, 2. The piano in the music room suddenly starts playing, 3. Eyes on the portraits in the music room move and follow you, 4. The anatomical model of the human body moves around the school at night, 5. The number of steps on the stairs increase or decrease, 6. The sound of a ball bouncing in an empty gym and 7. When you look in the mirror but there's no reflection," explained Kanzashi. "That's sound creepy," said Haruna. "Then, I'll get the permission form so we can have our first training sleepover here," kata Nadeshiko. "Thanks Nadeshiko," said Kongou.

Later, Nadeshiko stands in front of chairwoman's room. She takes a deep breath. 'Well, here's go nothing' thinks Nadeshiko as she knocks the door. "Come in." Nadeshiko opens the door and walks towards the chairwoman. "Mrs. Chairwoman, this is the request form for a training sleepover," said Nadeshiko. 

Meanwhile, Setsuna sits on the bench, looking at the river. "Her sister said she forgive me but by the look of it, she still mad at me. What should I do? How do I earn her forgiveness?' thinks Setsuna. She looks up and see a 5 years old Nadeshiko stand nearby, look around. She stands up and walks towards the little girl. "Are you lost? Can I help you?" asked Setsuna. Little Nadeshiko looks up towards Setsuna and glares towards her, making her flinch. The kid then run away. She sighs. 'That glare. Pure anger and resentment' thinks Setsuna.

Nadeshiko walks out from the chairwoman's room with a smile. 'Let's inform them the good news' thinks Nadeshiko. A few childish giggle as she looks up and sees 5 years old Setsuna stand at the nearby stairs. 'Who is that little girl?' thinks Nadeshiko. Little Setsuna smiles as she jumps towards the stairs. Nadeshiko shocks as she runs towards the stairs. 

Meanwhile, Setsuna follows Little Nadeshiko towards the school. 'Why is she head towards the school?' thinks Setsuna. Suddenly the sky turns dark. Setsuna looks around. 'What happen?' thinks Setsuna. She looks at Little Nadeshiko that runs into the school. She follows her.

Nadeshiko runs down from the stairs and looks around. 'Where is she?' thinks Nadeshiko. She looks at the window and sees the sky is dark. 'That's weird since it was late morning when we finish our practice' thinks Nadeshiko. She looks at Little Setsuna that stands in front of student council room. 'Why is she near the student council room?' thinks Nadeshiko as she run towards the room. Little Setsuna walks into the room. "Nadeshiko." She looks at Setsuna that run towards her. She looks at Little Nadeshiko that run into the same room. 'That's me when I was little. What happen?' thinks Nadeshiko. She opens the door slowly and walks in, follows by Setsuna. Both of them walk into the room and head towards the middle. 'That is something weird. Why me and that little girl in here? I don't remember travelling through time' thinks Nadeshiko. Suddenly the door closes hard. Nadeshiko looks at the door and run towards the door and tries to open it. 'It's lock and stuck. I have a bad feeling about this' thinks Nadeshiko. "I know you're still angry at me." Nadeshiko looks at Setsuna. "I know I shouldn't meddled with your personal life and I know you prefer being Kurosawa instead of Nakagawa but I want you to know that you have biological family. I know my parent abandon you cause you to hate us but please let us return into your life," said Setsuna. Nadeshiko grits her teeth. "Why do you think I should do that?" asked Nadeshiko, angry. 

"Because you have the heart to do so." Nadeshiko looks at little Nadeshiko that stands at the student council president's chair, Little Setsuna stands beside her. "Why are you here?" asked Nadeshiko. "To see you. Don't blame Oneechan on her parent's wrong doing," said Little Nadeshiko. "Oneechan?" asked Nadeshiko and Setsuna. "In my place, mom and dad keep me when I am sick and I recover from it. I wasn't adopted by the Kurosawa," said Little Nadeshiko. "My place?" asked Setsuna. "That's explain why I don't have the memory of travelling time. You must be from different universe and the little girl beside you is your twin sister," said Nadeshiko. "My name is Setsuna, Nadeshiko's twin sister," said Little Setsuna. "Setsuna?" asked Nadeshiko, looks at Setsuna. "So I hope you can use your heart to forgive her. You raised as Kurosawa but your bloodline is Nakagawa," said Little Nadeshiko. Setsuna walks towards Nadeshiko and stands beside her. "Dia-san said you already forgive me but I want to hear it from my Oneechan's mouth," said Setsuna. Their younger selves jump down from the stairs. "Just follow what we do," said Little Nadeshiko as Little Setsuna nods. Nadeshiko looks at Setsuna that nods. She sighs. "Just get on with it," muttered Nadeshiko. Little Nadeshiko holds both of Little Setsuna's hand. Nadeshiko sighs and holds Setsuna's hand. "It's gonna be okay," said Setsuna. Nadeshiko narrows her eyes. "Easy for you to say. You're not the one who got abandon by them," barked Nadeshiko. "They abandon you physically but they abandon me mentally," said Setsuna. Nadeshiko shocks. "What do you mean?" asked Nadeshiko. "Since little, they were always expect me to become successful like them. All 'A's, active in clubs. Even they want me to become student council president. I have to do everything I like in secret including becoming school idol," said Setsuna. "That's how Setsuna Yuuki persona was created," said Nadeshiko. Setsuna nods. "That's why I wanted to be like Serenity Hikari after I saw her perform. But then I know that Serenity Hikari is you, I realized that we have similar interested. Especially when I see that you love comic," said Setsuna. Nadeshiko doesn't say anything. Setsuna hugs Nadeshiko. "I know I can't change the past and persuade mom and dad to not giving you up. I know we can't give you the love you receive from your adopted family. But I want you to know that I want to be there for you as sisters. You have Dia-san and Ruby-san as your sisters. Now I hope you can add me as your sisters too," said Setsuna. Slowly Nadeshiko hugs her back and they both crying. Little Nadeshiko and Little Setsuna smile as the duo begin to disingrated as the sky returns to normal.

The next day, Nana walks towards the students council room. 'Everything went back to normal and I have my twin back' thinks Nana. She looks up and sees Nadeshiko in her Setsuna Yuuki hairstyle, walk alongside her group, talking and laughing while holding the bag. They pass by as Nana and Nadeshiko give each other a knowing smile. Nana stands in front of the door of student council room. 'Can we count what we're experiencing yesterday as the 8th mystery of Nijigasaki?' thinks Nana as she opens the door and walks in. 

Love Live Nijigasaki anime my versionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang