Before you could break out into a full-blown panic, the door to your little hospital room opened. A woman dressed in white entered and when she saw your awake form, she dashed out of the room.

She returned a moment later with another nurse and two doctors: one familiar, the other not.

"Pardon my reach." The unfamiliar doctor said, touching your bandaged head.

A soft glow came from his hand and his eyes glowed the same color. He didn't speak for a moment and then as he pulled his hand away the lights faded. He let out a breath and nodded to one of the nurses.

"It seems the treatment is already working. The infection is dying down. I believe we should move forward with the oral medication." He spoke to the nurse before turning back to you. "I imagine you must be a bit confused."

You nodded slowly, regretting it afterward from how your head stung. The doctor nodded and pulled up a chair from the corner of the room.

"It seems you have a fairly nasty quirk infection. And since your quirk has to do with your brain and mental state, I imagine it wasn't very kind to you." He informed you. "We administered treatment by cutting away a small portion of your skull. All is well now and we've stitched your skull and skin back together. The pain will wear off in a few hours... so until then, just relax."

"Thank you." You spoke, feeling how gravel-like your voice was.

"Not a problem." The doctor spoke and then snapped his fingers. "Oh. The treatment works best if you don't use your quirk for a few days. So try to not lift anything with your mind."

He bowed to you and then walked out of the room with one of the nurses. That left you with your doctor and her nurse. She sighed, shaking her head.

"You Bakugous never cease to amaze me." She chuckled and then motioned to Katsuko. "Your daughter is quite stubborn, she has refused to leave the room until you wake up."

"I can imagine." You spoke, gently rubbing Katsuko's locks. "But... what about-"

You stopped yourself, feeling the bubbles of panic and fear starting to consume your stomach once more. Your eyes burned with tears and you held back a pained cry of anguish.

Your doctor came closer, gently taking your hands into her own. She smiled at you gently and you blinked the tears away.

"Congratulations." She spoke. "You gave birth to a very healthy boy."

You inhaled slowly and then felt your hand rising to your mouth. A boy? You had a son?

"He's currently in the nursery, but I think your husband will be back with him any moment." Your doctor chuckled. "He's been trying his best to serve as the support since you've been under the weather, but I imagine both he and your son are eagerly waiting for you to be able to care for him."

You nodded, unable to say anything thanks to the cries of relief. The most you could do was a nod to your doctor and she seemed to understand. The nurse beside her looked rather happy as well, seeing as the tense room was now becoming light and happy.

"I'll go get your husband." Your doctor told you. "So get ready to meet your baby boy."

Both she and the nurse disappeared. You tried to put yourself together as best as you could and then gently shook Katsuko. She took a moment to stir from her slumber, but when she did, her little carmine eyes filled with such happiness that you nearly burst into tears again.

"Mama!" Katsuko cried and hugged you. "You are awake!"

You nodded. "Yes. Sorry if I scared you."

Katsuko shook her head frantically. "No way! Daddy said you were strong! So I knew you'd beat the cold!"

You chuckled as the door to the room opened once more. Your doctor returned, this time bringing in your husband. He held a bundle wrapped in blue. You smiled as tears rolled down your eyes.

He didn't need to ask, instead making his way over to you and starting to hand you your baby. As you reached out, you recoiled in pain. Your lower half stung.

"Careful now." Your doctor spoke. "We performed a C-section to make sure no harm came to you or the baby due to the circumstances."

You nodded and let Katsuki place the baby into your arms. He smirked gently, showing you he was already a very proud father to his son.

"Guess I have to share now." He scoffed, but you heard no real annoyance in his tone.

You nodded and felt Katsuko shift closer to you. Her little hands holding gently onto your arm.

"I'm a big sister to a little brother, mama!" She happily spoke, excitement present in her own voice.

"Yes... you are." You told her and started to look down and study the features of your baby more and more.

He had a soft face with ash blonde hair. His eyes were closed, showing that he was sleeping soundly. You hiccuped, trying to not wake the little one.

Katsuki came to stand beside you, and Katsuko looked at her little brother beside you. The doctor smiled, taking out a sheet of paper she had left in the room and attached it to a clipboard.

"Does he have a name?" Your doctor asked, pen ready to fill out the little one's information.

Bakugou nodded, looking to you to confirm the name he and you had picked out for the baby boy. You smiled softly, cuddling the little one further, and then looked towards your doctor with tears in your eyes.

"Katsuro." You muttered.

Your doctor blinked a moment, noticing the trend right away. But she didn't comment, as she had heard much worse names given to newborns. So she merely nodded and wrote down the name on the paper and then excused herself.

Next to you though, Bakugou was looking at you with wide eyes and his mouth agape. You lifted your head up to look at your oddly quiet husband and saw his eyes slowly narrow into a glare at you.

You gave him a sweet smile, but it didn't do anything to quell the surprise and anger that was bubbling inside your husband's chest. He crossed his arms and lifted his lips up into the usual look of disgust he was known for.

"What is it?" You asked him, tilting your head.

"Huh?!" He nearly screamed but held back thanks to the newborn. "What happened to naming him Takeo?!"

You stifled a light chuckle and tried to not shake so much as you held in the giggles. It was true that the name you and Katsuki agreed on was the name meaning valiant warrior... but for some reason, when you gazed at your baby boy's face, you knew that name wasn't for him.

The name that was meant for him, was Katsuro.

"Katsuro is someone who will be strong and brave." You spoke gently. "Much like the hero he's named after..."

Bakugou inhaled, the words in his throat stuck. He wanted to rebuttal, say that there were already two Katsu's in the family and another would make things confusing... but strangely enough he couldn't.

For some reason, as he gazed down at you holding onto the little boy and seeing how he slept peacefully in your arms... he knew it too. He knew that Katsuro... was meant to be called Katsuro.

Despite knowing that people like his mother and close friends would give him shit for both of his kids being named after him. Despite that, his name, Katsuko's and Katsuro's would no doubt cause confusion. Despite how he wished he got to be involved in picking one of his kid's names... he couldn't fight this decision.

The baby boy whined slightly, peeking his eyes open. His pretty (eye color) eyes tearing up and making you cuddle him further. Bakugou watched, seeing how his son, much like his daughter, was perfect to him already.

Bakugou slowly found himself sitting in the chair beside you and watched as you hushed the baby and rocked him back and forth. Katsuro quieted down and then looked around a little bit. His eyes met his father's and Bakugou smiled a tiny bit.

"Hey there, brat." He breathed out like a spring breeze. "Welcome to the family."

Expecting the Unexpected (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader - Domestic Pregnancy AU)Where stories live. Discover now