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(Black. Suddenly, out from the blackness, a voice begins speaking)

JALLER (voiceover): I was there. During The Fall. During the destruction of Bara Magna. During the end of the world. I watched it happen with my own eyes. I could've stopped it. But I wasn't able to. None of us were. Now those of us who are left, we live with this. In this twisted new universe, under the reign of Emperor Teridax.

(The title card pops up. The blackness switches to space. A ship flies silently past, nearing a planet. We follow the ship as it enters the atmosphere. The planet below is fiery and molten. In the distance, a volcano erupts. The ship touches down on a small patch of land away from the fire. The hatch of the ship opens, and Jaller steps out, examining his surroundings, his cloak billowing in the wind. He notices a small hut not far off from where he landed. He checks a data pad, and heads for the hut. We cut to inside the hut. It's dimly lit by torches. Jaller steps inside, and looks around. Vakama lays weakly in a bed by the wall. Jaller walks up to him, and falls to his knees)

JALLER: T-Turaga... I-I have failed...

VAKAMA: Failed, Jaller? You're here, are you not?

JALLER: I... well...

(Jaller falters. Vakama watches him)

VAKAMA: None of it was your fault, Jaller. Nor was it mine. Nor was it anyone's. Makuta won. There was nothing we could have done to change that. It is simply how destiny has played out thus far.

(Vakama goes quiet, to let the words sink in. After a moment, he speaks again)

VAKAMA: I... am dying. That is why I contacted you, Jaller. Why I have brought you here.

JALLER: Dying?! No! You- you can't die!

VAKAMA: And yet I am.

JALLER: There- there has to be something I can-

VAKAMA: There isn't. I'm sorry.

(Jaller falters, looking sadly at the floor. Vakama studies his face)

VAKAMA: Were you aware of my visions, Jaller?

JALLER: I... I was. Matoro... Matoro mentioned them sometimes. Why do you ask?

VAKAMA: Because I have had a vision. Presumably my final vision, if it is to be believed.

JALLER: What did you see?

VAKAMA: I saw this. My death. And you, by my side while I die. I saw Teridax. I saw him... defeated.

JALLER (incredulously): Defeated?

VAKAMA: Yes. I saw his downfall. You will be his downfall.

JALLER: Me? What? I can't fight Teridax. Nobody can.

VAKAMA: No... he cannot be beaten. Not by a single Toa. But you, Jaller, you are the key. You will bring them together. When it is time, you will know what to do. Remember that.

JALLER: I will? Turaga, what... what do you mean?

(Vakama doesn't answer)

JALLER: Turaga?

(Vakama still doesn't answer)

VAKAMA (weakly): Do you think... it will hurt? Dying?

JALLER: I... I can't say. I'd think, in your case, it would be rather peaceful.

VAKAMA (weakly): You'd think, wouldn't you? But I don't feel at peace. Not at all. I just feel... cold...

(Vakama goes quiet)

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