Hero Factory Reign S1E01: Rookies

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(Black. Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen suddenly starts to play. We open on Furno, staring out the window of a bus)

(Montage: Furno is sitting on a bus, which is headed to the Hero Factory. He's listening to Bohemian Rhapsody. On the bus with him are Mark Surge, Daniel Rocka, and Jason Fox. He stares out of the window at the scenery. The title pops up, along with opening credits during this segment. Everyone looks out at the scenery. Fox gasps, which snaps Furno out of his music, and everyone stares up in awe as they see the Hero Factory Tower gleaming in the distance, and where they're headed)

SURGE: Now that is cool.

FOX: Agreed.

ROCKA: Yeah. Mega cool.

FURNO: Yeah, whatever...

(Furno goes back to listening. The bus then arrives in a tunnel, to which leads to a hangar area. The bus pulls into the hangar. Bulk, Stormer and Stringer begin to talk among themselves after seeing the bus)

BULK: Huh. Four new Rookies in one day.

STRINGER: Actually five, Bulk. That Breez kid arrived last week.

BULK: Well, however many rookies there are now, I think it's a new record. What do you think, Stormer?

(Stormer continues to stare at the bus as Furno, Rocka, Surge and Fox step out)

STORMER: ...Dunno. Let's hope that one of them won't be the next Von Ness.

(Bulk and Stringer shudder at the name)

BULK (grimly): Let's pray to God they don't ever become like him.

STORMER: Well, let's go beat these Rookies into shape.

(Meanwhile, at the train entry point, Furno, Rocka, Fox and Surge exit the bus, and converse with Breez)

BREEZ: So, you guys are the latest from the academy? That's- wait, William? William Furno?

FURNO (awkwardly): Hey, Nat. Been a while, hasn't it?

(Breez hugs him)

FURNO: Whoa, hey! Not so tight!

BREEZ: Sorry, it's just, well, I haven't seen you in forever!

SURGE: How come I don't get any hugs?

BREEZ: Surge?!

(She hugs him tightly too)

SURGE: Ah! Jeez. Nice to see you too Breez.

FURNO: Wait... you two know each other?

BREEZ: Yeah. We met at the academy.

SURGE: Our dorms were, like, basically right next to each other. Got to be pretty good friends.

FURNO: Huh. It's a small world.

BREEZ: Guess so.

SURGE: How do you two know each other?

(Furno and Breez glance at each other)

FURNO: It's... a long story.

(Suddenly, Bulk enters the room)

BULK: Attention rookies!

BREEZ: Oh, shoot, roll call. That's my cue. I'll talk with you guys later?

(Furno is about to say something, but Surge cuts him off)

SURGE: Yeah, yeah. Of course.

(Furno glares at him)

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