Fighting The Pink Demons

Start from the beginning

Gaster's POV:

I learned that me and Miss Grey had to go and patrol and make sure everything was okay, so I get on the transport and we start heading to the out side of the house we arrived a few minutes later. Miss Grey gets on but something Is strange about her but eh I'm just going to take a small nap. We then arrive to then a gigantic blob gets here and me and Miss Grey started giving It are all but nothing worked. A building then started to collapse on us so I put my hands up and summon more to try and keep us safe but they soon broke and all I could here was Miss Grey yelling my name and after that everything went black.

?????? POV:

I was watching what Jessica or mostly known as Miss Grey was doing and I saw that she was finally waking up. She started looking around and saw Gaster unconscious and starts calling his name a few times and getting closer says. "Dr. Gaster" Miss Grey said and a few seconds later he wakes up and they sort of start arguing like an old married couple but then "WHY WERE YOU SO KIND TO ME!" Gaster yelled "Because I caused you pain even If you tried to hurt me or even kill me I still caused you pain..." Miss Grey explained "I forgive you for everything" Miss Grey said and pulled out two teleporters and from Gaster's look he might forgive Miss Grey I hope he does and they get out safely but I know she didn't tell anyone about her wounds she had but I hope they treat her well when they find out the whole truth.

Toriel's POV:

I had just hurt Asgore with my own hatred "I didn't think you had It In you" Betty said devilishly and as she was just about to kill me and then a Integrity saw blade cuts her forearm off and I see Gaster and Betty runs to the other side of the area. I start heading for Asgore to heal him and I hope Gaster can defeat Betty or all are efforts would be for nothing.

Gaster's POV:

I am going after Betty who Is still In the area when another Blaster Is fired then to see that Sans and Papyrus are here to help and I see they brought Chara with them then Betty brings Asriel out. "Gaster I got Asriel, you got Betty" Chara said determined to get his brother back and starts fighting Asriel then me, Sans, and Papyrus start attacking Betty, Sans blasted Betty out of the area and we turned around to see we got Asriel back. "Okay everyone we need to get back to the house" I said "Heh about that" Sans said "The house Is destroyed" Papyrus said "Welp looks like we are going to the AMD after all, but we'll take Dad to a spot to rest and a few of us can got to the AMD and get It set up" Chara said "Great plan human" Papyrus said but from Sans look he was not really that excited, but I go and help Asgore up and we all headed for I believe It was Rave's lab which Miss Grey should already be there since she placed the teleporter beacons.

?????? POV:

Rave and Miss Grey were waiting for the others to get to the lab and they got there a little later they healed most of Asgores wound the dreemurr family was reunited all was go. But Miss Grey knew she didn't really fit In even If she was a hybrid but she still knows Betty Is out there and Miss grey Is waiting to use her powers to protect all as...




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