Part 3 - Bruce Banner

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~~A Couple Months Later~~

Skye went to the lab while Auntie Natasha was finding Bruce Banner, the Hulk. AC told her to go wait there and he would come with Dr. Bruce. She was supposed to be sweet and not scare him, which was cr-ra-zy. She was always an angel. She got bored so she decided she would try to hack Stark Industries. It was surprisingly easy. Stark was supposed to be a genius (playboy, billionaire, philanthropist) and a possible Avenger. She got in after five minutes but couldn't do anything with it since she saw AC was coming. She slammed the laptop shut and pushed it away not a second too soon as just then the door opened.

"...and this is Skye," AC was saying to Dr. Banner. AC then looked a little closer at Skye and asked suspiciously, "what'd you do?"

Skye, having been a little bit trained by the greatest spies alive - and maybe even ever - responded innocently, "nothing, AC. Why?"

"You look guilty so I'll ask again. What. Did. You. Do?"

Skye was not having this and sassily replied, "I already told you I didn't do anything. Maybe you're going deaf, since y'know that's what happens when you get so old. You might be going senile too. You should get that checked. And I do NOT look guilty. I'mma perfect little angel."

Coulson sighed and said, "ok. Well Skye, this is Dr. Bruce Banner, he's here to help us study the scepter.

"Hello Doctor," Skye said, being purposely overly polite which made Coulson narrow his eyes at her again.

"Um, hi?" Bruce said to the child. What is a kid doing here exactly? he thought.

"I know what you're thinking, Dr. Banner," Coulson started as if he was reading Banner's mind, "you are thinking 'what's a kid doing here' right?" He waited for Banner to nod before continuing, "well she's actually a kid we rescued and have raised. She's probably the smartest kid her age and will eventually be a better spy than the Black Widow." Coulson then quietly added under his breath, "when she stops doing illegal things at least." The fact that Skye is an 0-8-4 isn't known knowledge, only a select few S.H.I.E.L.D. agents knew and Fury wanted to keep it that way.

"Hey!" exclaimed an indignant Skye. "I heard that. You knew I would."

"Maybe I thought you might be going deaf?" Coulson replied with a raised eyebrow.

"Well... um... okay?" Bruce didn't know if that was technically allowed but then again this was a 'secret' government agency. "I don't entirely understand why she's here, in what's supposed to be my lab, though."

"Oh. Right, sorry I didn't explain that yet," Coulson told the doctor. "She's going to help you."

"What?!" Skye screeched and Bruce asked.

"Well... you see, it was thought that you, doctor, might need a partner/assistant and you, Skye, needed something to do that is legal."

Skye just crossed her arms and pouted.

"Well then," Coulson continued, "I will leave you two work. If you need anything that Skye cannot get for whatever reason do not hesitate to ask her again and make her get it for I'm positive she will purposely be stubborn." With that Coulson left the two geniuses alone.

"...So, how old are you, uh Skye?"


"How many years have you been with S.H.I.E.L.D.?"


"Um, how smart are you?" Bruce was getting nervous. He didn't want to talk but he hated awkward silences more, he didn't want to 'work' with a moody kid, and he sure as hell didn't want to be here in the first place.


"Are you just going to reply with one word?"


Bruce sighed. 'Whatever,' he thought. She would ignore him and he would attempt to ignore her.

In the silence Skye then thought about Clint who was like her fun uncle. "What do you want me to do?" At Bruce's visibly shocked face she added, "I want to help get Birdman back."


"Clint. Clint Barton. He was taken by Loki"

Bruce was quiet. Then, "what's your last name?"

Skye tensed then answered his question. "I, uh, technically don't have one so I took the last names of those that raised me, and Peggy. So Skye Barton-Coulson-Fury-Hill-Romanoff-Carter. Alphabetical, and then Peggy." Skye absolutely loved Peggy, from what she could remember. She was a nice, brave, fierce, feminist who stood up for what she believed in.

Bruce smiled, "that's a mouth full Miss Barton-Coulson-Fury-Hill-Romanoff-Carter."

After that interaction the pair worked much better together. Skye inputted her ideas and Bruce took it seriously, a lot of agents who knew Skye better didn't even do that. When Coulson stopped by to ensure that Skye wasn't scaring the doctor or making the Hulk emerge he saw the two working together. He had a feeling there might be a seventh last name added to the long list.

A/N: Ahh finally updated. I have not abandoned it. Also lightly revised the other two chapter. Hope you guys liked it and happy (belated) holidays!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2021 ⏰

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