Part 2 - Playing with Clint

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Six Years Later

"Hulllooooo," Clint heard when he was looking out of the helicarriers window at the agents unloading the quinjet. He looked around for the source of the voice, "hullllllooooooo biwdman."

Skye stifled a giggle against her hand. She loved to sneak around and scare people. Plus she was small enough not to get seen and fast enough to run away if needed, but sadly she could not stay quiet.

Clint knew there were only two ways to get in the room he was in, the door or vent. He knew if anyone came through the door he would have heard so there had to be someone in the vents, and there was only one person who went in the vents, and called him birdman. Also there was only one person who couldn't pronounce their r's. He went over to the vent and opened it to reveal a pair of big brown eyes.

"Boo!" yelled the small girl in the vent, "did I scawe you?"

Clint internally sighed before replying."Yes, I was terrified. Now, let's get you out of here before Hill comes, you know how she hates you crawling around in the vents," Clint told her while pulling her out. Skye giggled.

She ran to Control with Clint chasing her and apologising to agents she bumped into. When they got to Control Skye squealed, "Uncle Nicky!" and ran over to the man dressed in all black. 'Uncle Nicky' picked her up and said, "what are you doing here? Don't you have homework to do?"

"Maybeeee... school's weaallyy boring though," the six-year old whined. "Can I stay here and watch you wowk, maybe wead your files again?"

"Nope. You know you're not allowed to touch my work after the fiasco."

The fiasco was Skye 'highlighting' every word in marker then scribbling all over it. It was a mess.

"Pleeaaaassseeeee," she begged, "I won't even look at them this time. You won't even know I'm there." She was doing her puppy-dog eyes on her so he turned away before he answered.

"No. You are not allowed to, we've gone over this. Now, go do your homework."

"You know she might just leave through the vents again," Clint injected.

"Wait, you were in the vents? You know how I hate you there, they're unsafe and unsanitary. No more going in the vents, for real this time," Maria said. She was tired of having this talk, it's like the kid never listened.

"Ugh, fine I'll go." When she glanced at her 'aunt' she added, "and I won't go in the vents again." Then she spun around and when she got to the door she asked Clint, "you're still going to teach me how to shoot a gun latew, wight?" before running away. That's what he got for telling Auntie Mawia she was in the vents.

Clint never told Maria when Skye was in the vents ever again.

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