Chapter 7: Talk with Hisoka

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A/N: Bruh we're in #33 in #hisoka! (while I'm writing this chapter) that's so great! I'm working on another story right now but this is going well and I have so many ideas for thisssss. Anyways, I wanted to say thank you for the support, it's important to me that you know I appreciate you for helping me grow in this journey! Alright enough with the intro let's talk to Hiso-Hiso!

Turning around to see the colorful magician leaning himself against the tree, he starts to make his way over to me. Backing up as he gets closer, I notice that his movements become faster. 

Keeping a watchful eye on him, I back up, tripping over a branch. Gasping in shock, I close my eyes and brace for impact, when I notice that I hadn't hit the ground yet. 

Slowly opening my eyes I see the magician's face above me, with his arms wrapped around me in a bridal style. Still crouched over from catching me, Hisoka sets me on the ground.

"My my~," he begins. " Quiet and clumsy I see. Are you that afraid of me my dear?"

"N-no." I state a lot quicker than I should had, making it seem as if I was afraid of him. I wasn't afraid of him. He was actually quite interesting. Like he had some secrets, just like me. I was simply nervous. I was intrigued by him, and I didn't want to do the wrong thing here.

Reaching his pale hand towards me, I take it. Swiftly pulling us together, I tense. Leaning towards my ear, he whispered, "Your friend over there is alright, so you mustn't worry about him, my toy." 

Shivers ran down my spine from his deep voice. Toy? I say in my own head.

Repeating what I had questioned in my head, I ask aloud, "What the hell do you mean 'toy'? You just tried to kill two of my friends! If I would have just kept a level head I would have used Gyo to see that shit you wrapped around me!"

"Bungee Gum." Hisoka states, smirking slightly.

"Bungee Gum? You mean that old gum brand that's gum used to stretch out super far? What about it?" He totally avoided my question about why he called me his toy.

"You see, my dear y/n, What I used to grab you with was my nen ability. I call it, "Bungee Gum: Elastic Love." I named it after that gum brand, as it was my favorite chewing gum as a child."

Looking into his eyes, I notice that the look on his face wasn't some mere sly expression. No. Behind his posture and facial expressions, I saw in his eyes, a spark of love. This Bungee Gum stuff must be pretty important to him.

Sighing, I walk over to my duffle bag. While rummaging in the bag, Hisoka walks over to me. Unbothered, I keep searching until I find it. Bingo. If I want to make friends with this creep, might as well start off strong.

Shielding the contents of the bag from Hisoka, he kept trying to peek around me. "Close your eyes and hold out your hands." I command. Surprisingly, he listens, with a smile on his face. My guess is that his isn't very used to receiving gifts.

Putting an entire package of Bungee Gum from my stash in his palm, he opens his eyes prematurely and gives me a smile with surprised eyes. (use picture above for referenceJust like a kid opening a present on Christmas. 

Slapping his arm lightly for opening his eyes without permission, he opens the package. Placing a piece in his mouth, his sits down, motioning for me to sit down in front of him.

"Pick a card." He says. Obeying the command, I draw a random card from his deck and look at it. 

"Memorize it. Once you have, put it back anywhere you'd like."

[DISCONTINUED] (HisokaxReader) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang