chapter 5

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{kayla POV}

Waking up I  still feel tired but I get up any ways and I grab my note book out of my drawer and pen and get on my phone

Yesterday was just so irritating I swear that's why I can't with my family cause btcs like her piss me off

Being irritated I went in the bathroom and turned on the shower and took off my clothes and got in

Letting the hot water hit me I felt relaxed, at peace

///Flash back////

7 year old makayla

I was in the bath tub with my mommy were were making beards and hair out of the bubbles

"Mommy I want to help people like you"I told her she smiled.

"You'll have to stay in school and go to college and be successful saving people a gift you have to care for the patient as if they are your own..*chuckles* you'll understand when u get older pumpkin"she said and blew the bubbles off my head I laughed

"Wash wash your hair love and wash wash your toes...wash wash your face hun and brush your teeth when your done"me and my mom sung the wash up song she made up

//Flash back over////

I finished up  in the shower and got out and dried off I went to my room and put on my bra and panties and lotioned up then put on some deodorant then my clothes

I then went to spray on sum perfume and grabbed my phone and keys and went downstairs

"Pumpkin come on"I said calling out to pumpkin she ran towards me and I picked her up and head outside to my car sitting her in the front set and starting the car

"We're going to go get you some things okay"I told her and she barked
We walked in petco and I went over to the dog leashes and picked up and orange one and put it in the cart then over to some food for her and toys and so on so on we then got in line once we had everything and paid for our stuff then we left

___ at home

I put all her stuff up and put her new bed in my room I then heard my door bell ring 

Weird because I wasn't expecting anyone I gave pumpkin a treat then went downstairs to get the door I opened it but I was quickly hit in the head

Waking up I could hear pumpkin barking and my body was hurting bad and my vagina I looked down and seen I had on no pants or nun I tried to move my legs but I couldn't,figuring out what happened to me I started to cry I then forced myself up and went to my room where pumpkin was barking I could see someone locked her in here she was tied up to my bed I stubbled to her and untied her she started whining as if something was wrong I limped to the bathroom and what I seen in the mirror made my eyes water

My head was bleeding I had bruised marks all over me and a swollen jaw

I cried hard,I feel so disgusted with myself,I was scared and mad I didn't even know who could do this
I got out the shower after washing up 15 times and I still feel dirty I was looking threw my clothes and I seen the joggers princeton gave me I picked them up and held it then I put it back down and grabbed some black pants and black shirt and put that on.

Then the door bell ranged again scaring me I jumped pumpkin started barking my anxiety was scarying me and the fact that I don't know  who it could be is scary I went to my drawer and grabbed my gun and walked downstairs to the door

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2021 ⏰

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