chapter four

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"So, you got a boyfriend?" Sam asks from beside me. I turn to him. "No, I do not," I say while shaking my head. His eyes brighten. "Husband?" I shake my head again. He takes this as an invitation to move closer, placing an arm on the back of the sofa. I look to Tony, gesturing to Sam beside me in a 'is he serious right now' kind of look. 

"Doth my eyes decieve me, or are you cozying up to my sister, Wilson?" Tony asks. Beside me Sam turns to me. "She doens't seem to have a problem with it." 

"Your funeral." Tony whispers, grinning in my direction. "What are you guys doing here in the first place?" Tony asks, hoping I wont go off on his friend.

"Fury set us up for a mission. Said to meet here." Natasha said turning to Tony. 

"That man doesn't hesitate to keep me in the dark." Tony said, dropping his head back on the sofa behind him. 

"Suit up in fifteen minuets." Wanda added. Tony just sighed dramatically before turning towards me. "Did Robin come too?" I nodded. "Can she pick you up?" 

"Yeah, she should be here soon anyway, so you don't have to worry about me sneaking down to try on one of your suits while you're not here." I said. Tony couldn't help but smile.

"Who's Robin?" Bruce asked as if he was being left out of the conversation. They all turned to me and I grinned at what was coming.

"She's my wife."  Seven pairs of eyebrows raised for a second and from beside me I noticed Sam slowly removed his hand from behind my back and moved back to a respectable distance. I turned to him, enjoying the look of embarrassment on his face.

"Thank you, Wilson." He just nodded, looking away from me. I could't help but laugh silently at that. 

"A wife?" Clint asked, looking towards Tony. I wasn't quite sure what he was getting at. Tony looked slightly confuse as well.

"Yes. Robin's her wife. She's great." Tony said, giving me a sideways looks, as to say 'what is Clint getting at'. All Clint ended up doing was nod. 

Natasha spoke up. "So, how long you been married?" 

"We got married last year, you know, since it was illegal until then. But we've known each other for a long time before that." I said, still a bit petty at the fact that it took so long to get married. Tony was shaking his head. I could see Natasha look a bit shocked.

"I'm sorry the world is like that. It really isn't fair." I smiled at her, glad she was as nice as I had hoped.

The sound of the elevator doors opening caught our attention, and if not that then Jarvis' voice.

"Ms Robin has arrived." I got up and walked over to her, bringing her in for a hug and a kiss. She was staring behind me at the group of the Worlds Mightiest Heroes, eyes wide. Robin was very different from myself, she was shy and reserved and hadn't grown up around someone like Tony who always had influential accomplices. Her cheeks had gone red and she was looking nervously around the room.

"Don't let them intimidate you, love. We're all just people here. I would say human, but you know..." I whispered, knowing how big groups scared her. I'd learnt that reminding her the were just people like her, had helped her slightly. She took a deep breath and smiled. I moved from in front of her and she was now smiling at them. 

"Hi, there. I'm Robin. Nice to meet you all."

She walked by my side to where I had been sitting. Sam had moved over even more, so there was room for both of us. 

"Nice to meet you too, Robin. We were just talking about you." Natasha said, noticing how nervous she was, and smiling at her.

"Oh, you were talking about me, I'm honored." she said, laughing nervously.

"Don't worry, Rob, only good things." Tony said. I knew he was quite fond of her, which I was glad of.

"Well, we really should be going. Duty calls." Steve said, getting up from the sofa and reaching out his hand to shake Robins. 

"It was nice to meet you, Robin." he shook her hand and then turned to be. "Nice to meet you as well, Diana." He looked over at Tony and gave a dejected sigh. "Who would have thought you had a sister," and shook his head in amusement before him and the rest of the gang walked through the hanger door they had entered through. Once they were all gone it was only me, Robin and Tony left.

"Oh my god. Did I just meet the Avengers!" she exclaimed, hands on her face. "Was my face red, Di?" I shook my head, but she immediately turned to Tony instead. "Tony, was my face red. Be honest." He smiled, but nodded. "Yes, it was red. But don't worry. I'm sure they thought it was sweet."

"This is not good. Di, why didn't you text me they were here. This is not good."

"Relax, Robin. It doesn't matter what they think, and besides I think Natasha thought you were sweet." I said sincerely. Robin thought Natasha was very cool and she had been her role model for a long time.

"Really? The Black Widow thinks I'm sweet?" she said, awestruck, looking between Tony and I.

"So, how did it go with Francis? Did you have a nice time?" I asked as she calmed down after her surprise meet with the Avengers.

"Oh, he's fine as always. Just got himself a girlfriend and everything. She wasn't there, but he spoke very highly of her." 

"I'm happy for him. He's so nice, I'm surprised he hasn't had a girlfriend in a while." I admitted. I'd met Francis a few times - he'd come to visit Robin a lot- and he was probably the sweetest man in existence. Him and Robin were very similar.

"I have to get going, girls. It was nice to see you both." He said, standing up from the sofa, smiling at them. "Diana you might want to keep a low profile unless you want to be absolutely bombarded with reporters. I'll come visit you thought, so you don't have to come through the city again." Tony said, looking towards me with a more serious look. "Thank you, Tony." He nodded and turned to Robin again. 

"Robin, I hope Diana talked to you about this, because you'll probably be getting a bit bombarded yourself." Robin nodded and smiled up at him. "Course she did, Tony. I'm fine with it anyway. I can say Diana Stark is my wife, which sounds totally badass." Tony patted her on the back as he walked by and pulled me into a short hug. "I'll see you soon, then." He said into my hair before he was gone.

Robin and I didn't stay much longer and took the elevator down to the garage. This time I took the driving seat, as promised, and pulled out onto the busy streets of Manhattan. 

We hadn't gone far when some people with cameras was standing on the pavement clicking pictures of us. I hadn't anticipated they would be so quick, but being posted outside Avengers Tower was a good idea. It was likely I would be there. 

I lifted a hand from the steering wheel to the camera as we drove past. After that there weren't many people who pointed cameras at us, for which I was glad. We drove north until we got home. Robin had gone to sleep, so I woke her up once we got home. She smiled lazily at me, but followed me inside. 

The next day I went to pick up the new sign for the studio. Robin help me set it up and I stood under it, admiring the fact that I now was Diana Stark.

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