chapter two

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"So, what brings you here?" he asked, turning down the music so we could easier hear each other speak.

"Well, my studio has become quite popular, which I'm very proud of-" I say, before I'm hastily  interrupted. "-as you should be!" Tony exclaims. I smile at him and continued. "And I'm happy where I am now. Money wise and just happy in general really. I've sold enough and I got here on my own. Without mum or dads help or your fame. And now I feel ready to be a Stark again. I didn't need your fame to be happy, so now I don't mind if people know who I am." I plopped down in the sofa beside him. He turned to me, a look of slight surprise on his face.

"That was the last thing I expected to come out of your mouth." he admitted. "But go sis!" he said, punching my shoulder. "You know, reporters often ask how it was being an only child, and I've just brushed it off. Now I can say I had the most annoying little sister in the world who brought all these hot girls home, who didn't give me a second glance. You have no idea how hard that was for me. My ego was on the floor after they left your room."

"What can I say-" I said, dramatically throwing my hair behind my shoulder. "All the hot girls are gay, myself included."

"There is one exception thought." he said, a twinkle in his eye. "Oh yeah? Enlighten me." I said, gesturing with my hand.

"Pepper." I looked at him in slight shock. "Really? You and Pepper?" I asked hopefully. he nodded and I jumped up from my seat on the sofa. 

"Finally! Oh you have no idea how long I've been waiting for this moment. " I said, swinging my arms out. "You're right by the way. Pepper is hot." Tony gasped dramatically as I sat back down. 

"You're married, Diana." he said, shaking his head in fake dissapointment. "Poor Robin has no idea, I'll have to tell her of your betrayal. Pass the phone." I shook a finger in his face. 

"Oh no. You see, Robin and I agree. If you hadn't taken her, we would've." Again Tony gasped dramatically, hand flying up to cover his mouth. "She is mine. Stay away." he said jokingly. 

"Just you wait till she meets us both. She'll want to leave with us the second she realizes how loud you snore."

"She already knows." he said with a smirk. At this it was my turn to gasp. "Do I hear church bells ringing?" Tony actually shook his head, "Not yet."

"Oh my god. Tony Stark:  Genius, playboy, billionaire, philanthropist is no longer a playboy. What will the people think, Tony. All those little girls wanting to marry Iron man...tut tut. There will be outrage."

"I don't care." he said, a genuine smile on his face. 

"Wow, Tony, I'm happy for you, really." I said, sitting down beside him again. "Pepper is great, I understand why you like her." I say, giving him a similar punch in the shoulder like the one he had given me earlier.

"So, how's Robin?" Tony asked. 

"She's great. She's here actually, in the city visiting a friend. Maybe you'll get to see her." 

"I hope so, Robin is the nicest person I've ever met. I've no idea how she puts up with you." He jokes, moving out of the way of my hand that reached out to punch him in the shoulder again. He stuck his tongue out at me and quickly changed the subject.

"Have you changed your name yet?" he asked, getting back to business. I shook my head. "I thought we could do it now." Tony nodded but stopped short. "Wait, you came all the way to New York City to change your name. That's a lot of unnecessary driving."

"I have a tech genius as a brother, might as well use him." I said with a grin. "It save me a lot of time queuing up and getting an appointment if you can just do it with the flick of your hand." Tony shrugged but nodded.

"Jarvis, bring up Diana's documents." Jarvis complied and on a screen in front of us all my legal papers appeared. Tony gestured for md to continue.

"Could you find my birth certificate and change my surname back to Stark, please." I said to Jarvis. On the screen the name 'Smith' was changed and 'Stark' was put in its place. I felt a small weight lift itself of my shoulders and couldn't help but let out a small sigh of relief.  

"Lovely." Tony said, clapping his hands together. "Now, to change the Wikipedia page." he grinned. "We're gonna be getting a lot of calls in the next few minuets." he said as Jarvis edited Tony's family information.

"Can I try on one of your suits?" I asked as we were waiting for the changes to be made, big innocent smile on my face. I had never done so before, because he always said no, but it was one of my goals in life. To try on an Iron Man suit.




"Why?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"They wont fit you."

"So what?"

"They wont fit you." He said again. I narrowed my eyes at him. "You're too short. You're like the Jawas on Tatooine. Too short, and childlike. I don't want a child in one of my suits."

"I'm not a child, I'm literally only 2 years younger than you."

"You're still short."

I scoffed. "And you're not? How tall are you? 5'8?"

"I am 6'1 thank you very much." he said indignantly. I raised a brow at that. He couldn't be that tall.

"Stand up. Let me see." I demanded, standing up myself. He cockily turned his head to the side and did as I said. I walked up beside him and looked up. Okay, maybe he was taller than 5'8.

"Jarvis, how tall is he?" I asked. Tony smirked again and I was beginning to regret this. He would definitely rub it in if I was wrong.

"Mr. Stark is 6'½ tall."

"Ha! I knew you weren't 6'1." Tony gave me a deadpan look before smirking. 

"Jarvis, how tall is Diana?" he said. My eyes widened and I sprung at him. "No, Jarvis, don't answer that!" I screamed, but it was too late.

"Diana Stark is 5'6." Tony began to laugh loudly. "Shorty." he said, pointing at me. I frowned and crossed my arms, but Tony's laughter was so contagious I didn't stay frowning for long.

"You want a cheeseburger?" Tony asked as Jarvis continued editing all social media information about me and Tony. I looked at him, staring into his soul. "Who do you think I am, Tony. Of course I want cheeseburgers, do you even have to ask?" 

"Oh, I do apologize, Your Highness, did I insult thee?" he said mockingly. I slapped him across the head again but he just got up and ordered them, a grin on his face.

Not long after there was a ring on the intercom. "Will you go down and get them?" he asked. I was about to ask him to do it, but since he had helped me change my name so easily, I figured I'd do it for once, so I nodded and took the elevator down to the reception. There was a young boy standing there with a bag form a fast food restaurant. I walked up to him and he looked up at me with narrowed eyes.

"4 Cheeseburgers for Tony?" he asked hesitantly. I nodded and reached for them, giving him the money Tony had thrown after me earlier. I thanked him and walked away, fully aware of the guy watching my retreating form. 

The second I came into the living room, Tony was on me, almost ripping the bag from my hands and running into the kitchen with it. I sighed, but ran after him. No way was he getting the toy. I entered to see him pulling out two burgers for himself and reaching in for the toy. He pulled it out and to my disappointment it wasn't anything cool. Tony on the other hand grinned and put it down on the counter along with a countless amount of other McDonalds toys. 

I reached into the bag myself and pulled out my own two burgers, putting them on a plate and grabbing a juice box from the fridge. I followed Tony back into the living room where he had reached for the remote and was searching up a movie. I recognized it immediately and cheered, sitting down beside him.

"Star Wars never goes wrong." I said. 

"Right! Who doesn't like them?" Tony said, throwing his hands in the air.

We sat down and the movie began to play, but it ended up being mainly background noise as we discussed certain topics, catching up from the last time I was here.

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