p.o.v. still (Y/n)

It was mid February now and Sarah, Tim, Cedric and I were having a learning lesson in the library. Tim explained Potions to Sarah while she looked interested but stumped. Whereas I was tutoring a demotivated Cedric in History of Magic.

"Geez Sarah how can you be so invested in Potions. I would be bored as hell" I asked Sarah as I couldn't understand her enthusiasm. "Well it is really interesting to make various of effects with just a drink. And I will master it! Me: Sarah Amelia Robinson!" Sarah explained herself with too much energy.

I looked at Tim really confused as he looked absolutely shocked and he asked "Sarah? What... are you... talking about?"

"I didn't know that was your full name" I stated quite interested as I didn't knew this fact and looking at Tim's reaction he didn't knew either.

"Well it isn't. But I just hate my name and I would love to be called Amelia instead. That's why I tell people Amelia is my middle name you know?" Sarah explained sheepishly scratching the back of her head and looking down embarrassed.

"But why though? Sarah is such a beautiful name but as if you wish Amy." I joked around and bowed like a gentleman.

"Amy? Hahahaha! That would be the nickname you chose for me?" Sarah laughed as she made fun of our play.

"Well if you three are talking about Personal matters, I would start going back to my frien-" "No you don't Cedric! You asked me for help and now I am going to give it to you!" I scolded at Cedric who was trying to get out of my tutoring.

"(Y/n) please! This is torture! I absolutely despise History of Magic!" Cedric defended himself.

"I said no! You don't even know when 'the International Warlock Convention' was, do you?" I asked him getting a bit more invested.

"Around... 1400...ish?" "Cedric you are just guessing at this point!" "Of course I am (Y/n)! You are asking me stuff I didn't had and which appears in year 6" Cedric answered looking for excuses.

"Cedric this is stuff from year 2" I countered his argument and he looked at me baffled.

"You probably don't even know what happened in 1378 do you?" I inquired

"The goblin Rebellions!" Cedric said with confidence and a smug grin.

"No Cedric you are roughly around 400 years to early. It was the soap blizzard."

"Even I knew that" Tim came from the side killing Cedric even more.

"As if you knew!" Cedric tried keeping his dignity.

"Cedric this is our topic right now. You don't even know first year stuff." I said with disappointment in my voice.

"Well I told you I was not so good with History of Magi-" "'Not so good' is an understatement you are absolutely horrible and dreadful." I sweped every dignity of Cedric left away.

"Wow (Y/n) you are very demanding and expect quite a lot" Cedric muttered to me.

"Well that's how I learned and it didn't kill me so you will be just as fine" I answered his comment. "And now back to learning!"

"Alright alright I will!" Cedric called out with a saddened tone in his voice.

We learned for another hour, or more so I tortured Cedric for another hour.


Timeskip to end of the year when Harry stood up to Quirrell or more accurate Lord Voldemort still (Y/n)'s p.o.v.

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