"And he is threatening you until you fufil the deal?" Carlos looked confused.

I shook my head. "He's interested in way more than that now, I can tell. He knew my back story of how I got kicked out of the pack and now knows that I'm back there. He's more interested in that then the daggers. He likes to terrorise people who cross him. And as it happens, I crossed him more than once."

Carlos sighed." I was going to give him the chance to stand trial at the pack, but it seems better to get rid of him now" he said coldly.

He turned the car into a dark side road and pulled over.

"What are you doing?" I frowned.

"Getting rid of a problem" he shrugged.

He opened the truck and the colour drained from his face. I got out the car and approached him carefully to see what was wrong but ended up answering my own question when I saw Keegan was no longer in the trunk.

"What the-" I shook my head. "where the hell is he?!"

"Or more importantly, how the hell did he escape from a locked trunk when we were travelling along the freeway?" He looked puzzled.

Carlos pulled his phone from his pocket and told me to get back into the car. I overheard him telling his beta to retrace our steps and to try to find Keegan. My mind was racing with so many questions. What was happening?

Suddenly there was a loud gunshot and everything went in slow motion as a bullet was hurling toward Carlos. I screamed. I sobered up fast and dashed out of the car in front of him to take the bullet but ended up knocking it away with an energy similar to what I felt outside the mall.

Carlos looked at me in shock and Keegan stood there with a smug look on his face.

I growled and ran towards him, only to be stopped by what seemed to be some sort of forcefield. Then he ran away into the forest.

I kept running into the forcefield, trying to break through and fell to my knees as it finally broke. I sprinted into the woods in the direction he had headed. I felt like I was running forever but I was determined to catch him for trying to hurt Carlos.

Suddenly, the ground I was running on neared a cliff edge. I gasped and I dug my feet into the ground, desperate to stop myself before I toppled over the edge of the sharp cliff face.

"Careful, dear, wouldn't want to mess up that pretty little face of yours" Keegan chuckled from behind me.

I growled and turned around to face him.

"Enough with the games Keegan!" I cried. "What the hell did you do to me?!"

He chuckled. "I can assure you, dearest. I didn't do a thing to you"

I looked at my hands. "Well what the hell is happening to me? You seem to know, I can tell by the smug look on your stupid face!"

He chuckled once more. "Alright feisty pants."

"You and me are-" he tapped his chin in thought. "Special."

I frowned. "What the hell does that mean?" I rolled my eyes.

"We're powerful. We have magic." He shrugged.

I looked at him like he was crazy. "Magic isn't real"

He chuckled. "Then how do you explain the past few events?"

I sat down on a rock. "How have I never noticed before?" 

He shrugged. "We all mature at different stages. Our magic appears when we need it most."

I thought about it for a moment. It did make sense. But why couldn't I control it?

Keegan sat down next to me. " I always knew you were special. Right from the moment I met you. I didn't realise it was magic until today though."

I shook my head. "It doesn't matter. Get out of here Keegan. Before I rip you apart for trying to hurt my mate."

He laughed. "I knew you'd save him. I wanted you to prove me right. To show me how powerful you are and yourself."

I stood up and started to walk away but before I could he grabbed my hand.

"Wait, Eva." He looked desperate. "Stay with me. We have an unbreakable bond. This power is going to stop anyone from ever hurting us again. We can be unstoppable"

I thought about what he was saying. It sure would be nice to not have to be afraid anymore. Especially of Blake,  Carlos' father.

"What about my family? Carlos? My pack?" My eyes widened as I realised I shouldn't even be considering the offer.

"Forget about them. Marry me and we can build our own family. Lead my pack with me and we will become the strongest pack to ever live. Our children will be the strongest sorcerer's the world has ever seen. No would would dare try to overthrow us." He looked hopeful.

I frowned. "Hell no! Carlos is my mate! I love him!"

I shocked myself by saying it but I realised that since I had let the mate bond take over, I had fallen for him.

Keegan looked angry all of a sudden. "You should love me! Together we would be invincible. You will regret letting this opportunity pass you by."

I shook my head. "I don't want to be invincible. I want to be loved"

I pulled away from his grip and walked away, this time he let me.

"You will regret this, Evangeline! You will be mine! I will have you!"

Into The Lightحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن