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I flip Rex, Sophie's half cat half human southern gentleman altar, onto his back with a sigh. "Come on, you need to get one hit in before I let you sit d-" I get cut off, feeling a set of nails on my throat. Alice. I push her hand away with one hand and send my elbow back into her ribs with the other before flipping her over myself onto Rex.

I duck down and dive to the side as I see a leg coming from the same way. I push myself up and grab the leg that is still in the air, kicking her other leg out from under her, letting Anna fall with her light blonde hair pooling around her.

Tara comes up on the side I just moved away from and throws a straight punch to my face, but I move to the left and lock her arm with both of mine before pushing her torso back and kicking her legs forward and letting go, sending her onto her back.

"How the fuck are we supposed to get a group of guys when we can't beat one girl?" Rex barks out, pushing Alice off of him.

I step to the side of the gym and get a drink of water out of my metal bottle before a chill runs down my spine and Alice is right behind me. I start to move, and before I can do anything, the bottle in my hand is across the room, knocked out by her. As what just happens registers in my bind, I'm pinned to the wall by my throat. Her eyes look so cold. Detached from reality.

"Good. Now do that by keeping composure and not dissociating from the situation and you'll be golden," I say before knocking her hand away and jerking forward, tackling her to the ground. "You need to stay fully in any situation like this."

I kiss her on the forehead before standing up and pulling her with me by her hand. "Girls cut out early. The boys are done for the day and you shouldn't get special treatment because you're weaker," dickbag barks at us, and I can see Rex and Anna holding Tara back and covering her mouth.

We leave and make our way to the outdoor sitting area. "We're gonna get our asses beat," Rex says after a yawn.

I don't say anything this time.  He's not right, but hearing the same thing from me every time isn't going to be any help. "You're wrong," Anna says, drawing my attention along with everyone else's. "We're getting better. Alice actually managed to touch her. Twice might I add. We were able to predict Tara's actions towards our douche of a gym teacher, and we have Lilith who is just about the complete war encyclopedia. We aren't going to lose. I won't let us."

"She's right. I be dammed if I'm gonna give up because we haven't gotten great yet." Tara chimes in. There we go.  "Come on let's keep going, because, Lilith, your ass is gonna be mine this time." She pushes up off the table and steps back.

I let out a chuckle and push myself up after taking a drink of my water. "Let's try me getting a hit on you this time," I say before running forward and jumping, flipping in the air while using a hand on her shoulder to push myself the rest of the way. Once I settle behind her, I crouch down and spin, kicking her legs out from under her. I put a hand on her chest to push her down faster. "You're slow and the time you're not moving isn't spent strategizing, so what are you thinking about? I can't read minds."

"What's the point of strategizing when I already have a plan?" She asks with a grin, and I dive forward, rolling to avoid a kick from behind. I look back to see Anna standing there looking tired. The two of them charge at once from both sides, and I flip back, out of the way, but feel arms wrap around be from behind, catching me off guard. I turn to see Alice looking like she's struggling to hold me, so I jump, lifting my legs high up before slamming them back on the ground and leaning forward, flipping her over me into the two that were charging me.

"Where'd that spark of motivation come from!" I call, a wide smile on my lips as the three come at me at once again. I'm not getting out of this one.

"We don't sleep at night," I hear Anna sing, throwing me off guard as she stops moving. "When the sun goes down all our sins collide. When the moon comes out I'm a devil inside."

Before I know it, I'm on my back on the ground. I laugh, looking up at the sky from my place in the grass. I take Alice and Tara's hands and let them pull me up. "Better. Much better." I stare at the three for a moment as I sit down. That wasn't the full plan. "Alice wasn't involved in that plan, was she?" I ask, and all of them seem taken off guard. "So she picked up on what you were doing and filled in the gaps with your plan. I'm more proud of that than the fact that you were able to get me down. Good job. Now go get some food. The bell is about to wring."

The lot of them head out, leaving me in my normal state of company. Alone. They wouldn't have won the way they started, but now I think they have a chance. They're getting stronger together. I had no idea Anna would take the performer role so seriously though. It is interesting. I smile to myself and lay down in the grass. A group I am proud to be fighting alongside.  A searing pain shoots through my body, making me cry out as everything turns white. I let out a scream, turning over onto my side and taking a fist full of the grass. 

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