Chapter 6

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"Derek's POV"

I was looking thru the report Breaden had gotten her hands on from the police station.

"There is nothing in here about Kate. This killer used an ax" I stated.

"Actually," she said walking over to me. " He used a military tomahawk." I looked at her suspiciously.

"That's not in this report" She looked at me coyly. "I know," She said smiling.

"Are you going to tell me what else you know."

"Not yet. Cause I don't really know much."

"But you know something" I stated.

"Maybe, the problem is, the people I need to talk to right now, don't talk to people like you."

"You want me to wait for you"

"I want you to trust me," She said.

"And why would I trust you, I don't know anything about you".

"Yeah well, I know you. And I know what you really want. You want what Kate took from you" She said. She's not completely wrong but that's not what I really want.

"Briseann an dúchas trí shúile an chait. It means, The true nature of someone is reflected in their eyes. In your case the color of your eyes."

I was hesitant but eventually gave in. "You get a week," I told her as she walked out the door from my loft.

"Luisa's POV"

After yesterday's experiment, my body's been a little weak. But I am saving my strength. Today is the day, even if I die trying. I have heard rumors about a Deadpool from one of the prisoners in here. And if what they say is true then a lot of innocent people out there need my help. I'm not going to stay in here. I've had over ten years to get out, but my mind hasn't been able to focus. So if I had tried then I wouldn't be of much use now. I'd be dead as a doornail.

Now, now I can get out without them seeing it coming. And if my name is on that list, then I definitely can't stay in here.

I've tried to remember the details, two doctors, four guards inside the room, eight outside the door. They have learned not to be short-handed on staff. They've got three in the corridor leading to the door outside to a tunnel and another one outside of it to keep nosey people away.

How did I get that information you think, I might have made a connection to a banshee in here. She was more than willing to help...after she figured out who I was. Banshees work in weird ways. I would say mysterious but that word might be suited elsewhere.

When the two guards came and got me I was starting to put the plan in motion in my head. The minute they had put me in the room and locked the door I used my fighting skills to kill the ones inside the room. Turns out Talia knew what would come in handy.

I was saving my vibration powers to take care of the guards outside that locked door. Well, I should probably call it tapping into frequency, not vibration powers.

I looked around the room with now six dead people. It didn't look good for my record but right now I didn't care. I took a deep breath and focused my energy on the heavy metal door and put my hands up and let the powers take over.

The door took three guards' heads right off their shoulders and injured another two. I gave away another wave of power and sent the three standing guards flying down the hall knocking them out. One of the guards had managed to put a bullet in my shoulder, my shoulder couldn't heal and I couldn't take it out.

I couldn't reach it. I slightly stumbled as I ran down the hall and took a turn right for the door leading to the corridor leading out. The door wouldn't open without an electronic keycard, so I had to use my powers yet again.

It made my head spin a little. I reached for the wall for support to stable myself before they were close enough to where I wrapped my arms and legs around two guards' legs making them fall to the floor and used my elbow to knock them out too.

The third guard had opened fire alarming the guard outside the door. I used my powers to knock them both into the wall breaking their necks.

I took a deep breath and bent down to one of the guards grabbing their keycard and used it on the now-closed door that leads me outside.

I could now feel some of the adrenalin disappearing and felt some pain in my side. Turns out one the guard had hit me close to my hip making it a bit harder to walk. But I'd be damned if I let that stop me now that I am close.

I swiped the keycard and heard the door open. I made my way outside the tunnel and could feel the fresh air on my face. It felt nice and free, but I couldn't stay here.

I walked as fast as I could I had made it into an industrial area, easy to hide. I was being pulled towards one of the taller buildings. There was a black SUV standing outside. Maybe someone lives in here. I doubt it but maybe.

I walked over to the building and thru the doors. I pressed the elevator button and the doors opened. I pressed the button at the top. It was the button that had been pushed the most.

I leaned my head against the wall trying to maintain a stabilized breathing. It would help me in the long run. I could also feel the blood dripping down my arm and my side. The pain getting stronger.

The doors to the elevator opened and I threw the door open in front of me and closed it.

"did you forget something" I heard a man ask as he turned around.

I slowly slid down the door sitting on the concrete floor. Did this guy know me, my mind was getting fuzzy. But one thing was clear.

"Somebody's turned their first wolf," I said before passing out on the floor

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"Somebody's turned their first wolf," I said before passing out on the floor.


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