Prompt (15 & 16)

8 3 0

1. Complements: Write about the perfect combination and why. It could be food, colors, people, smells, anything.

Things that complement each other.

Bread and Butter

Peanut butter and Jelly

Ice cream on a hot summer day


Some ideas for this prompt are:

1. Write a poem/song/anything about one thing declaring its love for another

Ex: The ice cream saying that the sun melts it just by looking at it or something

IDK I'm not creative

2. Write about why/how you think they complement each other.

Ex: I think ice cream and the sun complement each other because....blah.

2. Write about your perfect day.

This is a simple one. Maybe your perfect day consists of binge-watching TV and eating popcorn. (mine does)

Maybe you go to the zoo.

I don't really have a good experience with the zoo so I'm kinda traumatized by giraffes. 😣

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