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Start of Anew

I could feel my legs and feet felt heavy as they were numb. The steps I took slowed down. My heart thumping across my chest, my arms felt a slight sore pain as sweat dripped drizzled down my back and face. Each breath felt like my last, and yet I continue to, heavy as the sun beaming down my drenched black tied back hair. Barely any breeze of the wind to swindle the trees.

I saw a green decrepit bench nearby, taking my few last steps to it, and almost fully collapse onto it. Leaning onto the back of the bench, I could feel the hard wood behind my damped upper back, my shoulder blades poking slightly through my clothes with limping my arms.

For once, I been running from something more simple.

After catching my breath, my mouth slightly open, I could feel the dry itch of water. From my left hand, I held on to a bottle of water, raising it to open and jug down. The refreshing feeling of the water flowing down my throat.

I wiped the extra water from my mouth, and instinctively tried to take off my shirt only to realize after looking down that I wasn't wearing a shirt to begin with, but rather a sport's bra, really short shorts, and running sneakers. I sighed shaking my head to myself.

I'll never get used to that.

It's been a few months to when I got out of that damn prison of 3 months. At the start, Dad wanted to go shopping for new clothes for me after some physical therapy that I was able to walk after a while.

At first, I didn't think it was necessary. I could just wear the hoodies, T-shirts, and shorts I had. Well, that's until one day I tried on one of my dark T-shirts and my belly was exposed.

"How? I'm even smaller than I used to be!" I exclaimed in confusion.

Dad shook his head while grabbed one of my hoodies and shorts and gave it too me.

"I told you", He said looking at me with a smirk, "It's just not because of the size you are thinking of."


"What do you mean by that?"

"Just put those clothes and we going to the mall", He told me, disregarding my question while getting ready himself.

We actually went to a lot of shops at the mall. That's because Dad wanted to make sure I had clothes that fitted, assuming that I may stay like this forever. I myself admits this isn't far from a possibility.

From jackets, shoes, socks, and even underwear. We essentially were at the mall for hours. We bought a bit much we can handle, so we started to go back to the car when we needed to drop off after each shop.

From the clothing choices, I tried to pick something simple close to what I am used to. Whether it was color I preferred being black, or sticking to simple wear...or at least, what I can after the additional stuff I had to wear.

We started with the top wear like shirts and T-shirts. While we were grabbing and picking out clothes I wanted, one of the workers came by while we were looking at one of the sections.

"Good afternoon!", She said with a friendly seemly smile, "Is there any help I can offer today?"

My dad was the first to notice while I was staring at the ridiculous designs this one had.

unOrdinary...Jane?Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant