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Yes. This is yet another new story because god forbid I  finish a story before posting another one. (Don't judge me)

This is kinda like an "one shot book", but written in the First Person POV.

It's literally just a collection of dairy entries written from the perspective of the Mikaelsons.

I'm low key open to requests. I don't do much romance tho. But I apart from that I'd love some suggestions whenever I run out of ideas.

Anyway, I'm not sure if this will connect with any of my previous works. I'm truly just experimenting here.

I might add a list of characters I'll be writing for, maybe a cast, but for now this is just experimenting.

TW: For mentions of violence, suicidal thoughts and strong language.

I'll add warnings when necessary.

I think this is it for now.
Comments are SO appreciated!

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