I saw the hint of sadness while looking at Minghao's eyes.

"I really miss her"- he said yet again.

I saw a tear rolled down his eyes but before I could say anything he wiped it.

"Do you want to come with us?"-I asked

"Where?"-he said looking at Y/N's grave

"Cafe. We wanted to celebrate there"-I said and everyone agreed


The moment we arrived at the cafe, Mingyu welcomed us and guided us to our table.

"Hey, Minghao. You're with them"-he said shocked

"Ah yeah. They're my friends"-Minghao

Mingyu nodded and went to get our orders.

My eyes scanned the whole cafe looking for one specific person but to no avail, she's not everywhere.

We were drinking our coffee when the door suddenly burst open and a running Y/N came in

"Annyeonghasaeyo"- she said without looking and run straight towards the staff room

"She's here"- Minghao said looking at the room which Y/N entered

I nodded my head a bit before sipping on my coffee again.

"Good morning. Here's the cake slices you ordered sir"- Y/N suddenly said serving us the cake

"Oh. It's you. You're all here, and Minghao too"- she added the moment she looked up.

"Hey Y/N. You came running"-Minghao

"Oh yeah. I got a bit late?"-she said unsure

"Congrats to all of you by the way"- she said and smiled which made all of us smile too.

"Hey Y/N. Is it also your graduation day?"-Wonwoo suddenly asked

She looked at Wonwoo and shook her head

"No. I don't really go to school"- she said

"May I ask why?"-Hoshi

"I have a bad memory in school"-she said and again, gave us a small smile

Bad memory?Her memory?

"I should leave. Eat well you guys. I have to serve other customers"-Y/N said and bowed at us before turning her back

"I still can't believe we're seeing someone who looks exactly like Y/N"-Jun said, his eyes following Y/N

"That's also my thought the moment I saw her"-Minghao

I was just listening to them before Joshua said something.

"There's something similar with the Y/N we met years ago and Y/N now"-Joshua

We all looked at him. I was about to ask him what he meant but Scoups did it for me.

"What do you mean by that?"-Scoups

"She's also a mystery"-Woozi answered instead of Joshua

"What are you guys talking about? I don't get it"-Hoshi asked looking so puzzled

"She's a bit mysterious like the Y/N we met years ago Hosh"-Jun

I'm guessing Hoshi already got the logic Joshua was eventually saying cause he got quite.

We saw Mingyu, and two other guys heading towards our table.

"Hey. Congrats"-Mingyu

"And to the three of you too"-Minghao

The three of them smiled before bowing their heads

"Oh I'm sorry. My name's Seokmin"-Seokmin introduced himself

"I'm Hansol, but you can call me Vernon"

"Did Y/N went to your graduation?"-Minghao asked

"No. She went to their graduation"-Mingyu said pointing at me.

I knew it. I wasn't hallucinating.

"Why ours though?"-Woozi asked

"The glitches perhaps. Those glitches may have found a way to lead Y/N to your school."-Vernon

I looked at Y/N who's serving a customer when she looked at our direction and caught me staring at her. I was about to look away when I saw her smile at me. I smiled back before looking down.

I'm certain. You may not be the Y/N I know years ago but I know for a fact that you're Y/N's second life. No matter what happens, I will help you find your way back to me, back home Y/N.


A/N: Just imagine all of them being in the same grade levels. Thank you so much. Also, it's been a long time since I updated. Online class is stressing me out. I might take long to update again but still I'll stay. Anyway, stay safe y'all. I love you❤️

Second Life (Book 2 of Psychopath)// Jeonghan ffOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora