4. You

759 45 4

Jeonghan's POV

I was planning on going back to the cafe today but realized that I haven't visited Y/N's grave. I sighed after I remembered what happened at the cafe, I know I messed it up. I shouldn't have done that, forcing her won't do any good.

After an hour, I decided to leave my unit. After that incident, I decided not to live in our house next to Y/N's. Knowing that I won't be able to see Y/N running from her house to mine hurts like hell.

"Hey Y/N, I'm sorry for not visiting you yesterday. "- I said as I sat next to her grave

"I saw a girl who looks, sounds and move like you. Even the others saw her too. She works at a cafe that we often go to. Is she your second life?"- I said placing the flowers I bought.

I noticed a bouquet of flowers and a candle that was still newly lit. I held the flowers and it still looks new. I touched the candle wax and it's still hot. Maybe it was lit an hour ago.

"Did someone came here at 7 AM Y/N?"- I asked

I looked around hoping to see someone but there was none.

"Your suitor? Someone who knows you? Maybe it's Minghao?"- I said unsure.

Minghao knew about Y/N. He even went to her burial. He was there not believing that  he and the girl he was with years ago will reunite in a horrible way. Every night on Y/N's wake, he was there, next to Y/N's coffin. Sobbing. I told him about how Y/N talks about him and how Y/N felt so down when he left her. I told him what really happened to Y/N's mother. There I saw guilt in his eyes and he cried on my shoulder.

"If Minghao will see that girl I'm talking about who looks like you, I'm sure he'll be shocked too"- I said and smiled sadly

"Too bad you two didn't get the chance to talk."- I added

"Anyway, enough about being sad. I'll graduate tomorrow Y/N. Watch me get my certificate okay? I know you're as happy as me. This is for the both of us sarang~. How I wish you're still here with me, with us. I really miss you Y/N"- I said trying to stop my tears but failed.

I sat there sobbing until someone patted my shoulders. I looked behind me and saw Y/N. The Y/N from the cafe.

"Here"- she said handing me a handkerchief

I just stared at it not believing that she's standing next to me in front of Y/N's grave.

"This is not dirty if that's why you're hesitating to take it"- she said again still extending her hand holding the handkerchief

"Stop staring at me like that"-she added and eventually sat beside me still offering her handkerchief

She faced Y/N's grave and smiled a little.

"We have different surname"- she said touching the engraved letters

I just stared at her doing that before she looked at me.

"These flowers came from me"-she said pointing at the flowers beside mine

"Why are you here?"- I asked a bit confused

"I wasn't really planning on walking up to you but I saw you crying from over there"- she said pointing at the tree a bit far from where we are now.

"You were the girl I saw last Friday"- I exclaimed

"Oh, you saw me"-she said rubbing the back of her head while chuckling

"Why? Why are you here?"- I asked again

She stopped chuckling and looked at Y/N's grave seriously.

"This is a bit weird so don't laugh at me"-she said

I nodded my head aggresively waiting for her to answer.

"I was seeing glitches of scenarios a year ago. If I go to a park, there's this memory coming back to me that I was sitting on a swing with a guy. I went to a convenient store and a glitch of me following a guy who's pushing a cart and when passed by a house just a few turns before the cafe, a glitch of memories came flooding in. I eventually went to a doctor after that, I was weirded out. This is not normal, that's what I thought. I also don't remember something before."- she said

She looked at me waiting for me to talk but I gestured her to continue.

"On my way to the cafe, it became my habit to stop by at that house. It felt like my body is at ease as long as I see that house. Until one Saturday morning just this year, I saw you, walking out of the house near it. Something was urging me to follow you for in my mind, you were familiar. That's why I did and saw you coming here. You were crying and for some reason, it hurts me until that blurry scenarios became clear. You were the guy I was sitting with by the swing, you were the guy pushing the cart and you were the guy I saw I was waving to near that house. When you left, I went here and I myself was shocked. You've been crying for a woman who looked like me. I was dumbfounded as I saw the picture in the grave. From then on, I always come here to ease my mind from questioning things about who I am."- she said ending her story

"Hey! Talk"- she said snapping her fingers in front of me

"I'm sorry"- I said as I got back to my senses

"You're weirded out"- she asked

I just shook my head and looked at her with longing visible in my eyes.

"Can I hug you?"- I bursted out

She looked at me raising her brows like I said something weird.

"You know what, you're more than weird"- she said

"I just...I just want a hug"-I said in a low voice

"Steady on. I'm not your Y/N okay? Or atleast I think I'm not"- she said anher brows forrowed

"I'm sorry"- I said

"For what"- Y/N

"For creeping you out"- I said

"It's fine. I just don't feel like hugging a stranger"- she said

"I'm Jeonghan"- I said extending my hands

"Y/N"- she said and smiled

We stayed there for few hours with me talking about Y/N when she was still alive. I was talking about me taking Y/N to some places and also about Minghao sometimes she would cut me out saying that she saw that scenarios in glitches. I skipped the part about the murders for I see her so innocent now. I don't want to spoil her innocence by something terrible.

"Hey, I think I should go. I have to help in the cafe. It's already 1"- she said and stood up

"Can I talk to you again?"- I asked

She smiled and gave me a thumbs up.

"Sure thing mister. Nice to meet you by the way"- she said and bowed before walking away from me

I watched her walk towards her car and waved goodbye so I waved back.

"Nice to see you again too, Y/N"


Second Life (Book 2 of Psychopath)// Jeonghan ffWhere stories live. Discover now