5. Second

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Jeonghan's POV

Today's my graduation day. I'm so excited but I feel so empty. I wish Y/N's here.

I arrived at the venue and saw the others waving their hand at me. I walked towards them and smiled a bit.

"What's with the long face hyung?"- Woozi asked

"Yeah, I noticed your gloomy aura the moment you came in"-Wonwoo

"Is it that obvious?"- I asked

"Ahh yeah?"- Joshua said

"Oh, sorry about that"- I said

They just smiled and we went towards our respective places. After the chairman's message, it is time to receive our diplomas. When I was on the stage, I saw Y/N but I'm not sure if she really is Y/N. She's clapping her hands and smiling at me.

I got down and sat but I kept looking back, hopefully to see Y/N but I think I was just imagining.

"Let's go to Y/N"- Jun suddenly said after the ceremony

We all looked at him and raised our brows.

"I mean, I think we should celebrate it with her. She was also my classmate so, let's also congratulate her"- Jun

The guys eventually agreed. We bought flowers for Y/N and headed to the cemetery.

"Hey Y/N!!"- Hoshi exclaimed

"Congrats Y/N. You graduated"- Seungcheol said and put the flowers down.

We sat down and talked about everything anything until we saw someone putting flowers on Y/N's grave.

"Hey"- I greeted

"Hey. Congratulations for graduating"- Minghao said

"You too"- I said as I saw him still wearing his graduation gown.

I patted the space beside me urging Minghao to sit. He nodded and sat beside me before greeting everyone.

"We're thinking of going to a cafe"- Seungcheol said

"Yeah. Do you want to come along Minghao?"- Jun asked

"I like Moncarat cafe nearby"- Minghao said making all of us look at him shocked

"M-moncarat c-cafe?"- I stuttered

"Yeah. My friend's working there"- Minghao stated

"Who's your friend?"-Wonwoo asked

"Mingyu"- he said

"Do you stay in that cafe for hours by any chance?"- I asked

"Yeah. Until Mingyu's shift ended. I even saw all of you there"- Minghao

"What?"- all of us exclaimed

"I know her"- Minghao suddenly said

We all looked at him not knowing how to answer.

"I know you know too"- Minghao said pertaining to me

"I just saw her few days ago."- I said hanging my head low

"I saw her few months ago"- Minghao

"W-what"- I asked

"Mingyu called me once saying he wanted to meet me in the cafe he's working to give me something. There I saw Y/N, serving the customers. At first I couldn't believe my eyes, I seriously rubbed my eyes few times, blinked for like thousands but she's really Y/N"- he said

We looked at him still curious so we let him continue.

"As weird as it may sound but I became her stalker for the following days. I saw a glimpse of her life but a life far from the Y/N I know. She's too friendly, while Y/N's not. She smiles a lot but Y/N doesn't, she's happy, and Y/N's not.  So I told myself she's not Y/N, I just miss her, that's why"- Minghao

Second Life (Book 2 of Psychopath)// Jeonghan ffWhere stories live. Discover now