Chapter 6

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1 day before the Yule Ball:

As Malfoy passed a piece to Crabbe during Transfiguration, Professor McGonagall noticed due to her cat eyes.

"Accio." Professor McGonagall said, pointing her wand to the paper which immediately flew to her hand.

"I hope this b**** gets fired soon." It read.

Professor McGonagall's face immediately turned into a furious shade of red, not because of embarrassment but because of anger.

"Mr Malfoy! I hope you don't mind serving punch in the Yule Ball if you don't mind passing such terrible notes in class." Professor McGonagall stated, putting on a bittersweet fake smile.

"N-no Professor," Malfoy answered, hanging his head low to hide his evil grin.

At the Yule Ball:

As the champions danced, Harry soon asked Ginny to go dance with him. After about 15 minutes of dancing, they both went to the punch table.

"Hello, Malfoy." Harry greeted, glaring at him.

"Potter, Weasley," Malfoy said, giving them some punch.

"See you around, Malfoy."

"Hey, Harry, let's go outside," Ginny said, tugging the arm of his robe.

"Alright, Gin."

When they reached their destination, they sat at the bench and Harry took a sip of his drink which tasted a bit weird but he shrugged it off.

"Hey, Harry?"


"Why did you ask me to be your girlfriend?"

"Oh, because this Yule Ball was only for couples and I seriously wanted to go," Harry answered, covering his mouth with his free hand.

"I did not mean to tell you that." He continued while Ginny looked at him with wide eyes.

"What did you just say?" Ginny asked, her hands curling into fists as tears began to sting her eyes.

"I said I asked you to be my girlfriend because the Yule Ball was just for couples and I seriously wanted to go."

Harry didn't know what was happening but he couldn't stop himself from telling the truth. It was almost like.....the word-vomiting potion.

"Tch, I should've known," Ginny said, standing up and running towards the castle while Harry sat there, dazed.

"Well, well, well. would you look at that? The great Harry Potter actually broke his best friend's heart." A silky voice came from the shadows.

"Malfoy." Harry spat.

"Hello, Potter," Malfoy said, erupting from the shadows with a smirk on his face.

"Why did you do this, how did you even know!"

"I did this to see you in pain, and don't even think for a second that I liked her," he shivered "I like someone else, and I may or may not have eavesdropped on you and Finnigan when he told you to do what you did. You know, I never thought you'd have the guts! But then again, you never fail to surprise me, Potter."

"She'll forgive me, I know she will!"

"No, she won't, I, for one, know because I already told her twin brothers your scheme. They didn't do anything because they told me the plan to get her to hate you."

"And this was it?"

"Yes, honestly, I thought you'd be smart enough not to follow Finigan's words I said before, you never cease to surprise me. Hope you have a good night Potter."

Oh, snap!

Will Ginny forgive Harry for his wrongdoings or will she hate him like Lily used to hate James?

Find out next time in Chapter 7



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