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"ARE YOU NUTS?!" Miguel stands up as he raises his voice.

I scramble to shush him and pull him back into his seat. "What's the big deal?? You were begging me to join a couple of months ago!" I whisper furiously after looking around to make sure no one was paying attention.

"Lily!" He scolds. "That was before I knew what I know about you! You cannot physically do it or-"

Interrupting him quickly, I point my finger at him. "I know what will happen! But maybe those are the stakes the three of you knuckleheads need to not go full asshole!"

"That is so beyond dangerous," he rolls his eyes exasperatedly, "I will not let you risk your life just because we're being a little stupid right now!"

I grab a fistful of his shirt, and pull him closer to my face over the table. "It starts as a little stupid right now, and a little playing dirty here and there...then it spirals. It spirals so fast you won't even know you were slipping down the hill until you look up and see that you're at the bottom!"

Our noses brush and I see him swallow hard. He nods subtly and I let go of his shirt so we both sit back down. "The others don't even know so how are they supposed to behave?"

"Easy. I keep you in check and you keep them in check," I explain, "it's a domino effect. You're the leader. Whether you like it or not, you're the example now."

He sighs, running a hand over his face. "Sensei would never let you in if he knew about your condition," he points out.

"That's why he's not gonna know." His eyes widen and I can tell he's about to raise his voice again. "Miguel." I grab his hands and hold them tightly to the table. "You're either with me or I do it without you. Because I can bet you that he won't care about it as long as I can get him the next win."

Miguel's eyes roam over my face, taking in how dead serious I am. "He cares about our safety; he wouldn't-"

"Do you want to take that chance?" I cut him off. "Because if I join without your support, I have no one to keep me in check. Do you want that?"

After a moment, his features soften and he shakes his head. "I'm with you, Lily. To the end." He squeezes my hands just as two figures approach the table.

"Don't tell them yet," I whisper.

He looks at me in panic. "What do you mean-"

"I mean don't tell them I'm joining; there'll be resistance from Hawk," I whisper yell.



"Shhh!" We both say as we turn and see Aisha and Hawk stop at our table.

"Heyyyy, guysss," he says, voice rising three octaves. We're doomed. "What's up?" He clears his throat.

Hawk steps forward menacingly. "Just wanted to make sure this traitor wasn't bothering you."

"You'd know all about treachery, now wouldn't you, Hawk?" I say his name like it's rotten food dripping off my tongue.

He grips the back of my chair and leans closer to my face to glare at me. "I hear the way you're saying it, and I don't like it."

"I don't care much what you like anymore, now do I?" I say with a tone mocking Moon's high-pitched one as I put one finger to his chest and push him away. Hopping off my chair, I walk to Miguel's side. "I'll see you later." He nods, closing his eyes as I kiss him on the cheek.

As I go, I hear Hawk complaining. "I know you two are best friends but do you have to be so fucking friendly in front of me?" I smirk, satisfied that I'm under his skin.

Losing Lily (Eli Moskowitz x Fem OC)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora