He frowns slightly but covers it up with a cocky grin. "She just hates Cobra Kai and thinks I'm brainwashed or something."

"Are you?" I ask seriously.

He stands up, making sure his height dominates mine. "Not you too," he sighs. I open my mouth to argue but decides to change the subject. "So, who are you cheering for now that it's me and Robby in the finals? Hm?"

"I-I don't know...Robby's hurt so he could use the extra boost..." I muse. He gives me an exasperated look. "You're both my friends!!"

"But I was your friend first! I'd argue that I'm your best friend...next to Aisha," he adds and all the tension leaves the air as I crack up laughing. "It's not funny," he groans.

I try to get my breathing under control before I answer. "I know. Would you hate me if I cheered for you both?" He mulls it over for a long few seconds.

"What is she doing over here?" I jump at the sudden voice behind me. "This area is for Cobra Kai members and full supporters only."

Miguel rolls his eyes. "Lay off, Hawk."

"No. She either cheers for all of us, or none of us," he argues. "That's what loyalty to your friends is."

Stepping in front of me, Miguel gets in his face. "Like you'd know anything about loyalty," he scoffs. "So she has friends that aren't in Cobra Kai. You can't fault her for that!"

"Just stop it already," I sigh. "I'm going back to my seat anyway."

He looks down at me with gentle concern and I shake my head for him to let it go. "I'll see you after the match, Lily." His grin lifts the heaviness from my shoulders just slightly.

"Good luck," I wish him as I grab his bicep and stretch up to kiss his cheek. "I'll be rooting for you as long as you don't do anything too stupid."

Miguel nods excitedly. "Promise!"

I turn and brush past Hawk, trying my best not to make contact with him. As I take my seat, the lights go down and inspiring music blares over the speakers as the announcer begins the final round. In a not shocking turn of events, he announces that Robby will be fighting for Miyagi-Do karate with Mr. LaRusso as his coach.

Clapping politely, I remain seated. But when Robby looks in my direction I give him two thumbs up and a cheesy smile. He nods, holding his hurt arm against his chest protectively. The fight begins and Robby lands the first kick.


Cheers of "no mercy" can be heard from the Cobra Kai students on the sidelines. Everyone's voices overlap in how both fighters should attack or dodge. Lily watches worriedly as they swing at each other, wishing she wasn't in the middle of this somehow.

Miguel lands the next point after landing a kick on Robby's hurt shoulder. She grits her teeth, telling herself that it's just part of the fight and that he's not doing it on purpose. "Yeah! Miguel!!" She cheers from her seat.

She frowns as Robby winces while getting into position. He's favoring his hurt shoulder and it's hurting his defense. The round starts and Miguel lands a punch in Robby's dislocated shoulder before doing a leg sweep and finally punching him in the abdomen. Mr. LaRusso calls time out to help Robby up and get refocused.

Lily watches at the way Miguel shrugs off the referee who tries to escort him back to his corner. She shakes her head as she begins realizing all but one of her friends slowly turning into someone they're not. Robby stands and focuses on his breathing and balance, waiting for Miguel to come to him.

He blocks with one hand, managing to make Miguel stumble past him out of bounds. They reset and Miguel shoves Robby to his knees, then kicks him in his shoulder once again. Miguel tries to land a heel in his side as he rolls away, but Robby manages to plant one hand on the mat and kick out with both feet.

Losing Lily (Eli Moskowitz x Fem OC)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora