Chapter 10: At the end of this night

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After the war, comes…

I came here thinking that I could still turn things around, but Katherine became a much more terrifying enemy than I thought she would be.

“Did you not hear me? I said to post it. Upload my dirty secrets for all the world to see!”


Of course I heard Katherine as she told me to expose her online, with a smile that didn’t betray her anticipation. As much as I wished to delude myself, I knew that she wasn’t joking or acting brave. She was fully prepared for her life to be destroyed as long as she got her revenge.

'Damn it! Why are you so much more reckless than I am?!’

I couldn’t understand why she was willing to go so far just to get back at me, but this wasn’t the time for contemplation.

Noticing my reluctance to give a response, Katherine's smile slowly turned into a scowl as she glared at me.

“Not willing to go so far, huh? But I don’t think I can crush you properly while you still have that card, so I’ll have to force your hand.”

At first, question marks appeared in my head, but then she took out her phone and I got a bad feeling.

“I wonder how long you can restrain yourself while hearing the screams of your dear friends.”


Finally, I decided on what I needed to do. I slammed into Katherine and pushed her on the floor while clamping down her wrists above her head and successfully getting the phone knocked out of her hand. She was flustered for a moment, but the eyes that looked at me as I saddled her soon became filled with amusement.

“So what now? You’ve got me pinned down but you won’t be able to get out of here without my say-so. Even if you strangle me, that won’t change.”

Her hair, scattered on the wooden floor, the wet sheen of her clavicle that went down to her chest and her heated breath might have provoked the flames of lust in a healthy young man, but her eyes had me especially wary. Ignoring the vibration that came from my phone, I watched her closely while pondering my next move. Katherine tried to remove herself from my grip several times, but I was stronger than her.

“Wow, for a girl you sure got some grip there. Were you a tomboy growing up?”

Even though I mounted her, Katherine still found the leisure to talk to me with an irritating smirk on her face.

“Yes, were you a bitch?”

“Well, you know what they say. All kids are a pain at some point.”

“Yeah, you more than others.”

We exchanged casual banter in this tense situation, but while Katherine seemed to be without a care in the world, I still had to overwork my brain.

I was one step before checkmate but I had no more moves. Besides restricting her movements, there was really nothing more that I could do. I might have been on top, but she had the high ground. Luckily, I could hope for someone else to make a move for me.


The sound of the door opening captivated Katherine’s attention, but for some reason I was sure who entered.

I said, “Took you long enough,” while watching the arrogant expression that was on her face change into disbelief. Here was my prince charming with his short black hair, green gems for eyes and a face that could make many girls swoon.

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