Chapter 1: When my world changed

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Suicide is a choice. Between continuous suffering and a brief rest.

“...It’s nice.”

I opened my eyes and welcomed the night breeze that blew. When I looked at the brightly lit city before me, I felt disconnected. This was something I was already used to. Even when I was right in the middle of that light, I never felt like I was. It was as if I convinced myself that I didn’t belong there.

It was the same at school. I still remember my first few days. Since I was new here, I was afraid I wouldn’t make any friends in high school. But then she called out to me.
Katherine Marissa Jones. She was kind and fair to everyone, even to me. When she saw that I hadn’t made any friends, she invited me to lunch and hung out with me. We would have so much fun talking about things like school and dramas and as I got closer to her, more people wanted to be friends with me. Overtime, I began longing to be at school more than I was at home, for it had become my safe place.

But that was no more. Katherine abandoned me and I lost everything I had. Even though I tried to explain myself to her, she wouldn’t listen. To her I was no longer a friend, I was a traitor. And once Katherine declared her stance so did everyone else. Whoever said words can’t hurt didn’t know what they were talking about. I never got any bruises, but after losing my sanctuary there wasn’t a day I thought that was good thing. Compared to the insults written in red that always marked my desk, or my books that always went missing with my P.E. clothes, or the isolation I felt in the classroom, or the fact that all of my uniforms had been stained by food which would ‘accidentally’ spill on me, or how they would tease me because of this, or the constant fear and anxiety I would feel for the entire school day; compared to these things physical wounds would be so much better. At least if I was injured badly enough then I could stay in hospital.

“Oh wait, it’s not like they would spend that much money for me.”

As I thought about those people that were supposed to be my parents once more, I looked down from the ledge of the abandoned building’s roof that I stood on. Not too long ago, even when I was down in the dumps I didn’t consider suicide. However, even while staring at the darkness below, I felt no fear.
Rather than suffer through this life anymore, I’d rather end it all. Even if I ended up in hell. Who knew, it could have been better than what I had to go through.


Suddenly, a loud burst of sound frightened me. At that time I remembered the rumours of gangs being in these areas, but I didn’t expect to encounter one! With the sudden shock of multiple gunshots knocking down my eardrums, I ended up stumbling in the worst place possible. I was falling.


I was the one who came here to die, yet because of those loud sounds that shocked me, fear overrode my heart. The cool breeze that once settled my heart became the currents to the underworld as I fell. Even though I came here to die, I didn’t want it to be this way.

“Someone! Someone help!”

During my descent, I shouted for help though I knew that no one would come for me. If I was lucky, my corpse would be whole when it was buried. The building was only five storeys high, yet with my eyes closed it felt like too much time had passed. Maybe it would be different if I opened my eyes, but I didn’t dare to do so. I only continued to scream out my reluctance. This was supposedly what I wanted yet, now it was different.

Nothing ever goe-

Without being able to finish that thought, I felt a sudden impact that blew me into darkness.

“Someone! Someone help!”

A sudden cry for help reached his ears as he escaped. In this situation it would be natural for him to ignore it; if only it wasn’t right in front of him. If he didn’t help she would splatter on the ground, that was obvious. Ignoring her and getting away was the right choice yet the naïve thoughts he still had despite his profession stopped him from doing so.

When Our Nights Collide Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now